Chinese Illegal Immigrants? Invasion??

  • af: Miao Yang
  • mottagare: Chinese Embassy in the US

Dear Mr. Ambassador of China to the United States and senior embassy staff:

We are Chinese citizens (with U.S. green cards) who have lived in the US for a long time. We love China, our land of birth, and we love the United States, where we have been living for a long time. But recently there have been more and more reports in the American media about military aged male Chinese illegally entering the U.S. territory of Texas from Mexico, and these media even say that this is part of the Communist Party of China's plan to invade the U.S., and so on and so forth. ......

For the Chinese living in the U.S., this kind of statement brings more and more trouble to our life, the Americans around us begin to suspect us, our life becomes more and more insecure, the feeling is the same as the Japanese living in the U.S. after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Our feeling was that we were no longer welcome in America. On behalf of all the Chinese nationals in the United States, we would like the Chinese government to do the following:

1. Investigate whether any Chinese citizens have entered the United States illegally without complying with U.S. immigration laws. If so, we call on the Chinese government to take steps to cooperate with the U.S. government in apprehending those who have entered the country illegally and sending them back to China to face justice;
2. investigate whether any U.S. media outlets have maliciously reported and disseminated untrue statements to intentionally undermine the already tense U.S.-China relationship for the purpose of alarmist rhetoric or even worse, for worse intentions.
3. to clarify and confirm, through various media, that the Chinese government has no intention or behavior whatsoever of attempting to invade the United States. And make the above findings public and demand that the lie makers or violators of the law be held legally responsible.

We all know that the Chinese people, like the American people, love peace and oppose war, and we believe that the Chinese government has no intention at all to start a war. We Chinese living in the United States are willing to be the peace keepers between China and the United States and make every effort to help maintain the world peace!

February 12, 2024

Below is the same message in Chinese:


我们是长期居住在美国的中国籍公民(持有美国绿卡)。我们热爱出生地中国,也热爱我们所长期寄居生活的美国。但最近越来越多的美国媒体报道说有年轻的中国籍男性(military aged male Chinese) 从墨西哥非法进入美国德州领土,这些媒体甚至说,这是中国共产党的入侵美国的计划的一部分,诸如此类......


1. 调查是否有中国公民没有遵守美国移民法而非法入境美国。如果有,我们呼吁中国政府采取措施,配合美国政府将这些违法入境者缉拿归案,并遣送回国接受法律制裁;
2.  调查是否有美国媒体恶意报道,散步不实之言论,故意破坏原本就紧张的中美关系,为了危言耸听,甚至更恶劣的意图。
3.  通过各类媒体澄清,中国政府没有任何试图侵略美国的意图或行为。并且将上述调查结果公诸于众,要求谎言制造者或者违法者承担法律责任。



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