• af: Cynthia Mulhearn
  • mottagare: Gary Schaffrick, Chair Bristol Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and Bristol CT Mayor Ken Cockayne

Municipal leaders in Bristol Connecticut have decided that the way to manage a feral cat colony on their Bonnie Acres property is to starve the cats and kittens as well as let them freeze to death by removing their winter shelters. Residents are being forced to watch the animals suffer and animal welfare advocates are outraged.

Despite protests from The Humane Society of the United States, the Bristol Housing Authority is enforcing a feeding ban, threatening residents with eviction for feeding the cats, and have banned animal rescue groups from providing trap-neuter-return services. These policies are not only cruel and inhumane for both the residents and cats but have been proven not to work.

We demand that Mayor Cockayne and Chairman Schaffrick demonstrate responsible leadership by...
1. Immediately ending the feeding ban and allowing winter shelters on the property
2. Accept offers of trap-neuter-return services from animal rescue groups as a better way to manage cat overpopulation

Criminalizing kindness, refusing offers of free help, and killing cats and kittens is bad public policy and doesn't help the residents.

We, the undersigned, are very concerned that Municipal leaders in Bristol Connecticut have decided that the way to manage a feral cat colony on their Bonnie Acres property is to starve the cats and kittens as well as let them freeze to death by removing their winter shelters. Residents are being forced to watch the animals suffer and animal welfare advocates are outraged. Despite protests from The Humane Society of the United States, the Bristol Housing Authority is enforcing a feeding ban, threatening residents with eviction for feeding the cats, and have banned animal rescue groups from providing trap-neuter-return services. These policies are not only cruel and inhumane for both the residents and cats but have been proven not to work.

We demand that Mayor Cockayne and Chairman Schaffrick demonstrate responsible leadership by...
1. Immediately ending the feeding ban and allowing winter shelters on the property
2. Accept offers of trap-neuter-return services from animal rescue groups as a better way to manage cat overpopulation

Criminalizing kindness, refusing offers of free help, and killing cats and kittens is bad public policy and doesn't help your residents.  Thank you for reviewing our petition.

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