Stop the Killing of Deer in Ashwaubenon as Wildlfe Management!

We disagree with the Ashwaubenon Village Council decision made on Tuesday, March 25, to kill off many of the approximately 125 deer currently residing within Village limits. These animals predate people in the area, and we feel we have no justification for trying to remove them, particularly in any way that ends their lives prematurely. We would ask that the Village look into other, more humane methods to reduce the numbers of deer, who, for many of us actually improve the quality of life in Ashwaubenon by their beauty and grace.

We, the undersigned, wish to stop the decision to kill deer within the Village of Ashwaubenon. We disagree with the decision made on Tuesday, March 25, to kill off many of the approximately 125 deer currently residing within Village limits. These animals predate people in the area, and we feel we have no justification for trying to remove them, particularly in any way that ends their lives prematurely.

We would ask that the Village look into other methods to reduce the numbers of deer, who, for many of us actually improve the quality of life in Ashwaubenon by their beauty and grace. One suggestion is to look into the birth control methods being used the eastern US which was outlined in a Green Bay Press Gazette article back in early December. If it is no longer available, a similar article can be found here:

We make the following recommendations to other Village residents who wish to reduce deer feeding on the plants in their yards (it’s what wildlife does!):

  • Use deer-resistant plants, such as those listed here:

  • Use sprays such as Liquid Fence during the growing season to discourage any wildlife (deer, rabbits) from eating your flowers or vegetable plants. This is what is used by the Green Bay Botanical Garden, but others are also available at your favorite nursery or garden center.

  • Put a fence around your yard to keep critters out and kids/pets in. Be sure to get a permit from the Village of Ashwaubenon first!

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