We Must Stop Authorities From Shooting down Animals on The Streets Taghazout Needs You

Taghazout had a confirmed disease case, a street dog acting weird, disorientated, drooling, and looking like he was desperate for water stumbled by many children, businesses, other animals. The dog was finally picked up and isolated then removed from town.

His body was tested and authorities confirmed that he has a rabies infection. The cases of rabies authorities kill every animal that they suspect carrying rabies. some of the street animals have inabilities that can look scary for some people.

The wrong information given to the wrong people can end up with healthy animals being killed for nothing. The right thing is if you came in touch with an animal that you suspect, please contact the city of Agadir for the address of the city vaccine center.

While we understand the fear, people face when a potentially rabid animal appears, this method is dangerous and careless for many reasons. The cat's body left to rot is still a carrier of the virus, and hungry animals passing are then a chance to contract the virus. Without testing the animal, we cannot confirm rabies, which means we are no more informed than before the cat appeared.

A few days before these scares, a team of hunters took to the streets in the early hours. Taghazout was again a hunting ground for street dogs. Frightened tourists leaving for the airport saw men with large guns entering the streets, stalking out the dogs, and decimating the pack. While these cases aren't related, the act of population control by poison or gunshot is not new to us.

Many dogs who got killed in the slaughter were vaccinated and sterilized. Now the crowds in the mountains are gone, new dogs will replace them, and the work will start again. The dog with rabies appeared from nowhere. Share with your friends and family the importance of vaccinating and sterilizing the animals in your region. we ask you to sign this petition in an effort to stop hunting/killing animals as a solution, we must find other alternatives every life deserves to live, animals too.

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