Help stop the butchering of pigs for Christmas!!!

                        Help stop the butchering of pigs for Christmas!!!


You may ask yourselves why did I initiate this campaign.

On the one hand because the slaughter that takes place in Romania must stop, on the other hand because I saw that many Romanians have signed the petition to stop the slaughter from the Feroe Islands. The most important reason is that I want to protect the Romanians' health.


I don't believe it is right to criticize what happens in other parts of the world as long as in our "courtyard" take place slaughters every year before Christmas but not only then. It hasn't been enough that we have killed Ceausescu at Christmas, we go on committing murders at this moment too.

If we want to stop these "bloody" traditions let us start with our feast called Ignat!


You have at the bottom of the page pieces of information that will allow you to see what happens during this feast, movies that show our rituals to butcher the pig, but also pieces of information about the Romanians' health. In a period of approximately 380 years all Romanians will die because of cancer if we continue having the same "healthy" diet.


If you like what you see, go on murdering and eating pork!




                                                STOP THE MASSACRE!


Christmas traditions in Romania - Butchering the pig

In some parts of the country butchering the pig takes place during the feast of Ignat, in other parts the ritual is postponed because people do not want to get the dishes "dirty" with pork before the fast is over. Pigs are fattened up with grain, flour, husk, pumpkin until that day and at night they will "dream" or not of being killed the next day. In some parts of the country it is said that the pigs "dream" of red beads at their throat. The pig that hasn't been butchered when the Ignat takes place will not put on more weight and will not eat because on the Ignat day he dreamed the knife that will kill him. That is why it is said that between the Ignat and Christmas all pigs are sad.


The pigs that survive the Ignat will be butchered the day before Christmas, the Christmas day or even the next day as it happens in some parts of the Arges or Galati counties.




Every year in Romania there are registered 60.000 new cases of cancer but we only have 250 specialists in oncology.


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The statistics that refer to the Romanians' health are more pessimistic every year. Stress, alcohol, inadequate diet and being sedentary are some of the factors that affect our health.


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Romania, pe primul loc in Europa de Est la cancer 

 The cancer represents the second cause of death in Romania after the heart and blood circulation diseases. Romania is situated on the first place in Eastern Europe where uterine cancer represents the cause of death to 30/100,000 inhabitants. Poland comes next with 24.8, Bulgaria with 24.4, Slovakia with 23.6, Hungary with 20, Ukraine with 18.8.  Ovary cancer is also a problem, Romania is situated on the third place after Hungary and Poland with 13.2/100,000 inhabitants.





Our diet and the cancer


There is a strong connection between the absence of the natural elements in our lives and diet (vegetables, fruit, clean air, clean water) and the appearance of cancer. In our body there are atypically cells also. They feed and multiply fast due to the absence of the enzymes that are found in fresh vegetables and fruits. We can say that enzymes are our life. Other important factors that cause cancer is are chemicals found in the food we eat and our lifestyle:  chemical fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, toxic preservatives, chemical medicines, chlorine and fluorine from the water we drink, nicotine, salt, etc.


What should we avoid?


Why don't we anticipate and avoid the impact with this disease and enjoy good health?


Our digestive system was created to digest vegetarian food. The acid secretion from our stomach is not that strong as to completely digest meat. Our intestines are five times longer and wavy so there are remains that actually are putrefying in there. There are some substances that result from that process that pass to our blood and cause disease. Civilization has brought fundamental changes in man's life but the digestive system and digestion process remained the same. As a conclusion, our diet should be based on the way our body works. The more natural and less processed our meals are the healthier we will be. People were created to eat natural.


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Whale hunt ( Feroe Islands): 26851



Butchering the pig :


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