People Can't Afford to Take Care of Their Pets in the UK. That Could Lead to Horrific Rises in Abandonment.

Those of us who are pet parents know we'd do anything to help our fur babies out - or, we'd like to be able to do anything. But the reality is that tending to a pet has become more and more financially difficult - leading many owners to realize they have to find someone else to adopt and care for their animal.

This is especially true in the U.K. In just two years, the number of British dog owners relinquishing their pets to shelters and charities has risen significantly. Meanwhile, there are fewer new pet parents. Animal adoptions have now dropped by a whopping 31%.

It's time for the U.K. Parliament to do something about this. Sign the petition to tell Parliament: subsidize pet insurance!

In a recent survey, one British animal charity found that over 80% of pet owners were worried about the increased costs of pet care. In 2023 alone, the cost of pet food increased at a rate higher than inflation, and nearly a quarter of people with pets struggled to keep up feeding them.

This trend isn't unique to Britain. General cost of living is one of the biggest contributors to animal abandonment in many countries.

People aren't giving up their beloved animals because they suddenly don't care. Far from it: owners are being realistic about whether or not they're the best people to provide their animals with the resources those pets need.

Luckily, pet insurance could help. It can significantly reduce some of the most costly expenses of owning a pet - namely, getting timely and appropriate veterinary care for your animal.

People should not have to give up the pets they love and care for because they can't afford them. If pet insurance were subsidized, more people could afford to keep pets in their forever homes! If you agree, sign the petition today!
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