Stop Gov't Subsidies for Factory Farmed Agriculture & Meat!

I was at The People's Climate March in September, 2014. It inspired me to help more to create climate justice ...will you help now? Many people there noted that we do not have a PLANet B. This is about the Environment, and the Health of us ALL!!! We need to practice sustainable methods of farming that keep us in harmony with Nature. I pray for an end to factory farms, GMOs and Roundup. Millions of tax dollars are going into Big-Agra, while cows contribute to over 51% of the green house gas problem which = climate change. Per research, Americans don't need GMO fed animal/fast food! GMO crops pollute the Earth; are known to cause cancer, infertility – as well as death to, bees, butterflies, birds, earthworms – and the micro biome of the soil itself.

They banned it in most of Europe in 1999 – because they didn't want to experiment on their citizens! We need fiber & nutrients, fresh, whole foods: vegetables grown without herbicides, insecticides, pesticides (Roundup)! We ask for these subsidies to go to individuals for personal gardens, to encourage small, local, organic-type farms, community growing spaces – and as incentives for individuals to implement usage of energy alternatives such as solar power.

Reference: No More Subsidies to Huge Beef Farmers;+ lots of similar linksGM Crop Ban in South AUSRoundUp Banned in the Netherlands, France and Brazil to FollowSri Lanka BANS Roundup GLYPHOSATE, a toxic chemical

Open Sesame, The Story of Seeds - ban GMO seeds... their goal is wiping out heirloom seeds!

Bought, TrailerKing Corn, TrailerFilm, Seeds of Death (2013); Film, Symphony of the Soil, Trailer – YouTube

“Symphony of the Soil” Extols the Importance and Mystery of Soil – Dr. Mercola Article, Trailer - Netflix, or buy the DVD, Trailer

Farmegeddon Trailer - on Youtube (Full Film is on Netflix)

Will you help create climate justice? I pray for an end to factory farms. Millions of our tax dollars are going into big-Agra toxic overload, and factory farm animal torture. These subsidies encourage meat-eating (by keeping prices very low), while cows contribute to over 51% of the green house gas problem that contributes to climate change. Per health research, Americans need NO GMO fed animal/fast food, and more fiber and fresh, whole foods like vegetables! We ask for these subsidies to shift to small, local and organic farms and community gardens – and for incentives for individuals to implement energy alternatives, such as solar & wind power.

References: No More Subsidies to Huge Beef Farmers -

Film, Seeds of Death (2013)

Film, Symphony of the Soil (2013)

Many countries are now banning Roundup and GMOs...From GMO Free USA:
GMO FREE SOUTH AUSTRALIA: South Australia Confirms Commitment to GMO Moratorium & Remaining GMO Free: "We're seeing [yield] increases of 50%, 100%, even 300% in some of the cases," says South Australian Agriculture Minister Leon Bignell of the results of a soil improvement program that proves grain producers do not need genetic modification technology. “Why would you go for 7% when you can get 50% to 100% increases in yield without having to use genetically modified seeds? I don’t buy the story that we need to have GM to save the world from starvation. [GMO Free is] the way of the future, that's the way that we'll increase the value of what we produce here in South Australia."
SOUTH AUSTRALIA KNOWS BETTER. GMOs: Not Wanted. Not Needed. Not Proven Safe. Boycott GMOs. READ & LISTEN to the interview:…/genetic-modification-grain-…/6325276

‪#‎GMOFreeSouthAustralia‬ ‪#‎SouthAustralia‬ ‪#‎GMOMoratorium‬ ‪#‎GMO‬ ‪#‎GMOFree‬ ‪#‎NonGMO‬ ‪#‎GMOsDontFeedTheWorld‬ ‪#‎NoConsensusOnGMOSafety‬ ‪#‎GMOFreeFuture‬ ‪#‎gmofreecanada‬ ‪#‎gmofreeusa‬

Opdater #69 år siden
Big Food doesn't want you to know the truth about GMOs & toxic chemicals sprayed on them (corn, soy/also fed to animals & farmed fish + beets, cotton) & many others: wheat, canola & sunflowers, etc.! Many are banning Roundup’s glyphosate (but it's full of neurotoxins & other poisons). Please support FarmAid & PETA. Read more: Thanks.
Opdater #59 år siden
We need subsidies for organic, small farms - and individual incentives for solar power (and the like).
Organic farms help the soil, and safety of our food - yet, large factory farms and GMO/ insecticide use is killing everything. We must preserve this Earth garden, and stand united to support a healthy future for us all in 2015 and beyond!

Please sign and share this message!

Opdater #49 år siden
Please share this petition... Russia doesn't want our GMO poison - why are we allowing it???
Opdater #310 år siden
Expires 10/10/14. View the excellent Full Film, Symphony of the Soil, for free.
Opdater #210 år siden
Not a new film, but I included the trailer from Youtube here - it is an important film about how the Government is micro-managing and even illegally using force to keep raw and organically fresh and grass fed foods from being accessible to the public. I hope you will watch the film Farmegeddon, which is available on Netflix.
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