Stop the wrongful dismissal of Karen Malik at TMI

  • af: Deb Ozarko
  • mottagare: Monroe Institute Board of Directors

On January 30, 2013, Karen Malik, facilitator for 32 years at The Monroe Institute (herein referred to as TMI), received an unexpected letter of termination. The reason given was "failed to properly execute the Independent Contractors Agreement."

The details include:

1) Karen is barred from the TMI campus and from any TMI event, including Outreach programs and Local Chapter meetings, and threatened with trespassing charges if she violates this ban - a civil and/or criminal offense;

2) TMI has erased all references to Karen from their web site and rewritten the Exploration Essence web page to completely exclude her immense contribution to its development.

Karen is a highly skilled, compassionate and dedicated facilitator who has touched the lives of many. She has deep and long-standing personal practices which brings great wisdom and caring to participants, their lives and their journeys. Karen has been a wonderful gift to participants and to programs at the Institute. Her dismissal is a tremendous loss. The manner in which she was terminated is unconscionable.

We call on the TMI Board of Directors to immediately reinstate Karen as an independent contractor at the Monroe Institute.

To all Board Members of The Monroe Institute:

We call on each of you to:

1) Reconsider the decision to terminate Karen Malik;

2) Open communication to look fully at issues that may be impeding relationships within TMI as an organization;

3) Develop and implement a culture that supports all members of the TMI staff, administration, and participants of the programs.

Karen Malik is of great value to TMI. In her 32 years with the Institute and working closely with Bob Monroe, she has observed first-hand the organizations growths and struggles which provides a unique continuity.  She is an extremely skilled facilitator, bringing wisdom and deep insights to groups and individuals.  Her personal development, many years of study, and extensive practices are reflected in all the programs she leads--reaching a pinnacle in the course Exploration Essence. Karen is simply too great a value to be lost from TMI at this time of accelerated growth, change, and evolution of individuals and the planet.

As participants and fellow explorers within TMI and within the journey of consciousness, we want our work in the residential programs and in our lives to be in done in an environment of openness, support, and respect for all.

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