Samsung are a Korean company, and they are very highly respected by the Korean Government. However, they have not (as of late) shown interest in speaking out against the cruel dog meat industry in South Korea.
Warning: Description of animal cruelty below.
The Korean dog meat industry is very cruel. The dogs are kept crammed into cages and transported in tightly packed trucks only to be slaughtered for meat, often by beating, electrocution, slashing or boiling/burning alive. Cats are boiled alive, too.
We would like to kindly ask that Samsung speak up against the dog meat industry. We will boycott Samsung until they speak up to the South Korean Government about this horrible industry.
Thank you.
Opdater #26 år siden
Hi everyone,
I have already messaged Samsung once about this, and I am going to message them again. I will aim to mesage them about this at least once a week until they reply and/or speak up about the dog and cat meat trades in South Korea.
Thanks for signing!
Have a great day/night!
Opdater #16 år siden
Hi everyone,
I have changed the name of the petition to "Samsung, speak out against the dog and cat meat industries".
Thank you for signing!
Have a great day (and night)!