The U.S. Government Must Reduce Restrictions on Marijuana by Reclassifying it as Lower-Risk

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
The most important health agency in the U.S. just confirmed what so many experts and advocates have said for years: it is time for federal agencies to reclassify marijuana as a lower-risk substance than it's currently considered.

Sign now to tell the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA): listen to the experts! Reclassify marijuana as a lower-risk substance!

Under the current classification system, marijuana is set as a Schedule I drug, meaning the federal government considers it equally as dangerous - and addictive - as heroin or LSD. This is in direct contradiction to most research, which tells us that not only is marijuana much safer to use than drugs like heroin, it also can actually have medicinal benefits.

Now, even the Department of Health and Human Services agrees that marijuana should be classified as Schedule III (lower risk), not Schedule I. This would have huge implications for improving access to marijuana for scientific, medical, and recreational purposes, as well as reducing the brutal effects of non-violent drug-related incarceration.

For decades, millions of Americans have suffered the consequences of bad marijuana policy. Many of our neighbors and family members have been thrown in jail or prison for using or possessing marijuana. This is despite the fact that some studies suggest it is less dangerous than alcohol, a fully legal drug.

It is time for us to right the wrongs of the past, and that starts with reclassification by the DEA. Marijuana must be reclassified as a Schedule III drug! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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