Demand the use of organically grown produce in the canteen!
The nature of this issue is that animal cruelty affects all areas of our food environment in many different forms. We grow up in an environment where eating meat, dairy products, wearing animal skins, but we never consider the impact of our actions on animals involved and that animals should have rights too. Animal cruelty is seen in factory farming where animals are crammed into wire cages, crates, and other housing devices.
There are unfortunately 138 slaughterhouses located around Australia with innocent animals that mean no harm and are slaughtered for people to eat and are treated cruelly by being beaten up or crammed in small cages.
By signing this petition we can, as a community, come one step closer to beating the issue of animal cruelty. Ensuring that our school canteen uses produce that has com from a harm free environment can evidently be the beginning of the end of animal cruelty in Australia.
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