Demand the end of killing of healthy animals at Zoos

  • af: Sylvia Morris
  • mottagare: World Association of Zoos and Aquariums/ WAZA

It has come to my attention that some Zoos Copenhagen and Swiss Zoo have euthenizized healthy animals for space or due to abandonment by parent animal.  This must stop.  Of course if an animal is ill, or in pain that is one situation.  Zoos are not slaughterhouses and the killing of healthy animals MUST STOP

We the petitioners request that you investigate and stop the killing of healthy animals immediately. Zoos are designed for the protection,observation, and display of animals.  you are not slaughterhouses!!!! Copenhagen Zoo killed healthy young Giraffes and now Swiss Zoo killed healthy bear cub.  Enough!! Please stop this.

Opdater #310 år siden
Thank You all for the over 500 signatures!!!!!!!!!!
Opdater #210 år siden
4 more signatures to halfway!!!! please share and let's get this killing stopped!!!!!!!!!!
Opdater #110 år siden
I want to thank from the bottom of my heart for signing this petition. It means so much!!! But still work to do!! Tell all your friends and family to sign. I am almost half way there but I need 1,000 at least to send to World Zoo Organization.. Thanks for your help !! Let's protect these animals
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