We, the undersigned, are vehemently opposed to Canada's Commercial Seal Hunt (which EXCLUDES the Inuit People), that allows hundreds of thousands of seals to be slaughtered on Canada's East Coast every Spring. The vast majority of these mammals (95%), are just 12 days/weeks old and up to 42% are skinned while still alive. The European Union has banned all imports of commercial seal products from their countries because of the cruelty involved. Russia, banned their annual seal hunt in 2009-PM Putin saying it was "...a bloody business that should have ended long ago..." This 'hunt' can never be 'humane' and Canada is looked upon as a country that 'legalizes' animal abuse. The commercial seal hunt is a dying industry and needs to end permanently. Turn the Eastern Coast into a gem of tourism...and make money from 'watching' these beautiful mammals, not slaughtering them.
We the undersigned, are opposed to The Canadian Commercial Seal Hunt every spring off the eastern coast. The rest of the world is catching up; Russia ended their seal slaughter in 2009, and the 27-country European Union wants all imports of commercial seal products from Canada permanently terminated. This is a barbaric and cruel industry that has no place in the twenty-first century. The Antarctic has a successful 'penguin' watching tourism program, and, Newfoundland, with it's beautiful scenerey, could do the same with those breathtaking views of the birthing nurseries of the Harp Seal. Please let Canada fly her flag proudly once again. The majority of Canadians (70%) want this shameful and barbaric slaughter to end permanently.
Thank you for taking the time to read our letter.
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