Help shut down Grandview Aquarium in a mall in Guangzhou, China!

  • af: Ayla Backe
  • mottagare: Guangzhou Ocean and Fishery Bureau

From a reply received from Animals Asia (quote): 'it's a difficult situation in China and we are relying on our Chinese partners to continue the dialogue with the owner(s) of Grandview and the authorities. Please be aware that harassing or upsetting them will not help Pizza, it could indeed do more damage, and impede the efforts of our partners.'

Due to this, and in light of the fact that I have not received a reply to my contact with the authorities, I will be keeping in contact with Animals Asia to follow any progress that is made. Although Pizza was moved to Tianjin Ocean Park on the 14th of November 2016 (where her parents live), there has been no news of Pizza since last spring:
"The last time CAWA and Vshine visited the facility was in April 17 but we have heard nothing since. They haven't posted anything on Pizza on their website but we have asked them to do so when they have done their next visit. FYI their websites are in Chinese"


These animals have not only been taken out of their natural habitat, but they are forced to live in prison-like conditions in a gigantic shopping mall. The cages are small, without any natural features, including sunlight!

These poor animals like Pizza the polar bear will never see the light of day, never breathe fresh air, never be able to interact according to their nature, and are trapped with no stimuli whatsoever.

Many of them die in these horrific conditions, and those that don't are subjected to a life of extreme misery, and all for the sake of profit and entertainment.

Animals Asia have been trying to shut down this zoo, but they need our help. Please sign the petition to save Pizza the polar bear and all the other animals.

You can read more about their plight here.

To  whom it may concern,
I am writing to you on behalf of all those who cannot stand by and watch such cruelty to animals as those at Grandview Aquarium in Guangzhou, China.
Animals Asia and the China Cetacean Alliance have already been in touch with you in an attempt get the aquarium/zoo in this giant shopping mall closed, but with no success.
Please investigate the conditions once more, and take the neccessary actions in order to close down Grandview Aquarium and rehome these poor creatures.
I ask you to disregard the claims of Haichang Holdings, China's largest operator of marine parks and the company that runs the aquarium, which stated that "their purpose is to popularize science and nurture marine life".
Shutting down Grandview Aquarium in Guangzhou is the only way to give these animals justice and the chance of a life worth living.
With kind regards

Opdater #47 år siden
Animals Asia: “Thanks to massive Chinese and international protest and HSI's efforts through CAWA and Vshine, we drafted a letter sent by Vshine and CAWA and 56 other Chinese groups to the governor of Guangdong. Pizza left the shopping mall in Guangzhou on November 14th 2016 for Tianjin Ocean Park where her parents live. The last time CAWA and Vshine visited the facility was in April 2017 but we have heard nothing since. We have asked them to post on website when they have done their next visit”
Opdater #37 år siden
Excerpt of reply from Sara Cooper, Humane Society International/UK:
We submitted the over 1m petition signatures amassed by HSI, Care2 and Born Free Foundation. The mall has released Pizza to an ocean park in Tianjin. Our Chinese groups hope to make this 'temporary' move a permanent one. Your compassionate intervention no doubt contributed towards bringing this cause to public attention
We are relying on our Chinese partners to continue the dialogue with the owner(s) of Grandview and authorities
Opdater #18 år siden
Update on petition: the Chinese authorities were contacted about this matter months ago, but I have not received any response whatsoever from them. I have also been in touch with Animals Asia, informing them of my petition results, but - alas - to no avail. If any of you have an idea on how best to proceed from now, then please do not hesitate to let me know.
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