Demand Government funding and legal powers for Dog And Cat rescues

The RSPCA do the best that they can, with limited powers. Their funding is stretched to the limit. Many Dogs and cats suffer needlessly because of this, despite their best intentions. Through the power of Social media, many Dog and Cat rescues have been set up. Through their own funds and donations, they offer help and rescue to hundreds of animals.. Obviously there are some caring and compassionate owners who wish to re-home their dog. But there are also many who are not and worse- as the story below shows. However as they have no legal powers all they can do is negotiate with malicious or uncaring owners. If they were to receive more funding and similar powers to well established organisations, such as the RSPCA more can be done.
Somewhere, there is a house, with two or more selfish people, who need money- they have dogs- It starts with two or more- the males are advertised as studs- in between being used on the females in the house the females breed then as soon as they are fertile again- they breed again and again and so the cycle continues. Then the money making begins- the pups can each be sold for a few hundred pounds- up to a £1000 for some pure breeds. They get minimum or no care- just sitting outside in a barn or shed alone, in a filthy stinking bed, dirty water no medical care. Oh and if their not pure bred? well then theres the market for cross breeds and ,if their really desperate for their money- theres always a few quid from a mongrel dog- or a cat- and if their are no funds for their disgusting little set up- they can always steal one. In some cases, when they sell one, they can easily search sites like Gumtree, Preloved and buy one - and before they even hand the money over post a free ad for the one that they are buying. Oh and if they get sick? well then they sell them on quick at a reduced price. And in one case, a female dog was no longer valuable- but a pure bred a so they paid to have her overused prolapsed womb fixed and whilst she was having her operation- they put an ad to sell her at a reduced price. When the males get too old to stud, they get sold at a reduced price. Oh and then there are the cases of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels who suffer a higher incidence of Mitral Valve hearty disease and Syromelgia. two serious life threatening illnesses. There is no cure, but screening their parents for genetic markers can help reduce the chance of this disease being passed on- but then that costs money and time and means no money making puppies- Some caring loving person will be heart broken when they see their puppies suffer with it- but then they can be sold for a few hundred quid so the selfish evil monsters breed them anyway. So this is why i am asking please sign my petition

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