Help Create Harsher and More Uniform Laws for Animal Cruelty Across the U.S.

  • af: Nicole Adams
  • mottagare: President of the United States, Vice President of the United States, White House Council for Community Solutions, Senator John Kerry, Senator Scott Brown

Animals everywhere are suffering from the hands of man. The definition of animal cruelty is not harsh enough, nor are the laws designed to punish those who are guilty. We need stricter and mandatory sentencing across the nation, united against animal cruelty. This petition is designed to address laws, shelter reform, dog fighting, puppy mills, breed specific legislation, backyard breeders, animal hoarding, spaying/neutering and education.

There is more respect placed on the American flag than there is on the life of "man's best friend". The laws surrounding the flag state that it must be taken down at night and in inclement weather, yet it is okay to leave a family pet outside all night and in said inclement weather. The Flag Code states it is unlawful to burn or mutilate the American flag, yet there is an epidemic of animals being burned and mutilated. The Flag Code also states "the flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing". Mr. President, are you saying that the American flag, made of fabric, which breathes no air, is more important than an animal's life?

Our prison inmates are treated better in our prison system than "man's best friend" is treated in our shelters. Prisoners are afforded the right of food, water and shelter. Our prisoners, who make up rapists, murderers, pedophiles and kidnappers, who clearly have no regard for life, are treated better than the innocent animals who have the unfortunate luck of being stuck in our shelters, often without food, water or bathroom breaks. Mr. President, are you saying that individuals who kill, rape and molest children are more important than an animal who shows nothing but unconditional love?

Pedophiles, whom psychology has dictated there is no cure for, can move in next door to anyone who has children, unbeknownst to the neighbor. Yet cities and towns the country-over are banning specific breeds of dogs, due to an old, worn-out, misinformed stereotype. Pedophiles, who have rightly earned their label, have more rights than a misunderstood breed of dog. A dog's natural tendency is to love and it is humans who make them potentially dangerous. Mr. President, are you saying that it is okay to become a pedophile but if you are born a specific breed of dog, you must die?

Where does it end?

We, the undersigned, are asking you Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Congress and the White House Council for Community Solutions to set up a national task force for animal rights: to change the laws and definition of animal cruelty nationwide, making them harsher and more uniform, to reform shelters, end puppy mills and backyard breeders, stop dog fighting and end breed specific legislation, to enforce mandatory sentences for those found guilty of animal cruelty, to create an educational program for all elementary schools mandating teaching on humanity and the ethical treatment of animals, to reform how farm animals are raised for food, to mandate spaying and neutering except for professional breeders but to impose a limited number of litters and to mandate psychiatric treatment for animal hoarders.

Thank you.

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