Worldwide Petition for April's Law in the US!

US Copyright Office Registration #TXu 1-590-504

We, the undersigned, as citizens and registered voters do hereby petition for the passage of laws regulating the maintaining, or promoting, or building or hosting or supporting or sponsoring or being connected in any way to any web site that promotes, encourages, panders, or solicits the sexual exploitation of children. These laws shall apply to private, public or commercial enterprises whether they be individual or corporate.

We, feel that the use of these web sites encourages crimes against children of a depraved sexual nature; that the existence of these sites serves no public or community good or use; that the only visitors of the sites are child predators or potential child predators; that the sites entices, incites or inflames the sick passion of child predators; that the sites present a clear and present danger to our children.

We believe that no Internet service provider, Internet hosting service, Web hosts or any other private, public or commercial service that provide data center space and/or connectivity to the Internet or to any local area network, should be able to legally host or provide any type of service to any individual, web site or organization that encourages sex crimes against children.  This includes any web site, service or individual that portray children in a sexually suggestive manner, any support system, web sites, blogs, audio or video service or hosting services that verify and encourage pedophiles to continue with their criminal urges against children and any type of pornography that is digitally enhanced, touched up or otherwise altered to make the individuals engaging in sex acts to resemble children in a realistic manner. We demand that these web sites be made ILLEGAL in the USA for the USA and the global community.

We, feel that because of this danger that the maintenance of a child predator web site is a conspiracy to commit a sex crime against a child and is so grievous in nature that it should be classified as a felony.

We, therefore petition for the following sanctions against these web sites:

1.)      All persons involved in these web sites shall pay a fine of $250,000, have all computer equipment seized and donated to a local school,

2.)      All persons involved be required to be a registered sex offender,

3.)      All persons involved be restricted from access to the internet,

4.)      Be sentenced to 25 years; be required to serve a mandatory 5 year sentence in jail followed by 2 years probation.

Why the International Community is effected by Aprils Law

This petition is here to gain support and teach the world about this groundbreaking legislation that will impact the global as well as the local communities to make our internet and our streets safe from child predators.

"As a Canadian I feel that by passing April's law in
the U.S. it will greatly benefit the global community,
because internet child exploitation is not just a U.S
and Canadian issue, it's an international issue that
affects all children; and I feel that by the passing of
April's Law it will set a global precedent for other
international nations to follow in passing similar
laws that will deem websites that exploit and abuse
children for the purpose of pedophillic enjoyment
clearly and morally unacceptable and made
illegal to publish , host, and distribute via the
internet. We, as Canadian's, feel as strongly about
preventing our children from being exploited on the
internet as our U.S neighbor's across the border feel, and I am in complete agreement that this law should be passed. And I feel that government's should take the initiative and responsibility in keeping their nation's children safe, and that they do have the power's to make these laws happen.


The following are the proposed changes to the U.S. laws; 


We, the undersigned, as citizens and registered voters do hereby petition for the passage of laws regulating the maintaining, or promoting, or building or hosting or supporting or sponsoring or being connected in any way to any web site that promotes, encourages, panders, or solicits the sexual exploitation of children. These laws shall apply to private, public or commercial enterprises whether they be individual or corporate.  We, feel that the use of these web sites encourages crimes against children of a depraved sexual nature; that the existence of these sites serves no public or community good or use; that the only visitors of the sites are child predators or potential child predators; that the sites entices, incites or inflames the sick passion of child predators; that the sites present a clear and present danger to our children.  We believe that no Internet service provider, Internet hosting service, Web hosts or any other private, public or commercial service that provide data center space and/or connectivity to the Internet or to any local area network, should be able to legally host or provide any type of service to any individual, web site or organization that encourages sex crimes against children.  This includes any web site, service or individual that portray children in a sexually suggestive manner, any support system, web sites, blogs, audio or video service or hosting services that verify and encourage pedophiles to continue with their criminal urges against children and any type of pornography that is digitally enhanced, touched up or otherwise altered to make the individuals engaging in sex acts to resemble children in a realistic manner. We demand that these web sites be made ILLEGAL in the USA for the USA and the global community.  

We, feel that because of this danger that the maintenance of a child predator web site is a conspiracy to commit a sex crime against a child and is so grievous in nature that it should be classified as a felony.  

We, therefore petition for the following sanctions against these web sites:
1.)      All persons involved in these web sites shall pay a fine of $250,000, have all computer equipment seized and donated to a local school,
2.)      All persons involved be required to be a registered sex offender,
3.)      All persons involved be restricted from access to the internet,
4.)      Be sentenced to 25 years; be required to serve a mandatory 5 year sentence in jail followed by 20 years probation. 
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