Hello, After watching this video of both the Raccoon and Dog being Skinned to death, I can only ask of you to sign this petiotion so I can send this to our senators in hopes that they will take further action into STOPPING this cruel ways of Animal Torture.
Please, Join me in the fight to Put A Trade Embargo On China's Fur Farms...Lets be the Voice for the animals who Can't do so themselves.

Dear Mr./Mrs. Senator.

First of all, I would like to Thank You for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this letter. I am thankful and happy that I have the freedom and the right to write you, to state my concern and voice my opinion. Although, today I write to you for those who cannot stand up and speak as freely as I can. Today I am writing you this letter in regard for the dogs, cats, raccoons, fox etc. I am Writing about my anger concerning the Chinese Fur Farms and Fur Trade. I have watched an under cover video of the farm at(, and have seen the cruel and harsh treatment of these animals and was beyond belief. Skinning an animal while it is still breathing the air that we breath, not only this it is said that most of the animals hearts are still beating 5 to 10min after being skinned! The Chinese Farm workers do not want outsiders to enter their farm because they do not want people to see the brutal mistreatment of these animals. I understand there are more important issues such as the Iraq War and even here in the United States or world that we should focus on; Although, I believe that this is also a key issue that we should seriously be concentrating on as well. We have our voices to reach out, while these animals do not; and for once I want to be that voice for them and ask you, to help put a Trade Embargo on the Trading of Fur with China. I hope that you will find in your heart to take this to the next step, to some way ending this violence and cruel mistreatment of animals.
Thank you.

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