Tell US Fish and Wildlife Service: Release Mexican wolves into New Mexico before it's too late

There are only about 58 Mexican gray wolves ("lobos") in the wilds of New Mexico and Arizona--not enough to ensure their survival. More than 300 lobos are in captivity, waiting to be released into the wild as part of a reintroduction program. Releasing wolves directly into New Mexico--where the best remaining unoccupied habitat exists--is critical to quickly boosting numbers and gene diversity in the wild population, but for bureaucratic reasons the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) won't do it, citing an outdated rule that prevents direct releases into New Mexico. The FWS could easily change this rule by issuing an Environmental Assessment and putting it out for public review, but it refuses to do so. Tell the FWS to take action before it's too late for Mexican wolves.

On behalf of the more than 19000 wolf supporters who signed this petition, we call on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to release more endangered Mexican wolves into New Mexico before it is too late. The 2011 census numbers are out and there are 58 Mexican gray wolves ("lobos") in the wilds of New Mexico and Arizona. Though this is a modest increase from 2010, this is not enough to ensure their survival. More than 300 lobos languish in captivity, waiting to be released into the wild as part of a reintroduction program. Releasing wolves directly into New Mexico--where the best remaining unoccupied habitat exists--is critical to quickly boosting numbers and gene diversity in the wild population, but for bureaucratic reasons the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) won't do it, citing an outdated rule that prevents direct releases into New Mexico. The FWS could easily change this rule by issuing an Environmental Assessment and putting it out for public review, but it refuses to do so.

We believe this evidence of great public support for the direct release of Mexican wolves into New Mexico should not be ignored. We call on you to support the actions necessary to achieve this end.

If I can provide additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for your time.

Jason Burke

Field Organizer

SW Environmental Center


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