Tell Samsonite to Stop Promoting Animal Cruelty to Sell Luggage

Samsonite luggage company uses "Bullfight" advertisement which features a real matador baiting a bull with a red suitcase.


On its website, the design company which produced the ad refers to a "dreamlike environment" being presented to viewers. In reality, bullfighting  causes unimaginable suffering to bulls. They are tortured and persecuted in bullrings, stabbed with lances and spears and killed with a sword through the heart. Bullrings and their associated torture are filled with cut up flesh, impaled muscle, severe pain, blood loss, terror and death. Describing the presentation as "a dramatic face-off between graceful Matador and majestic bull", they go on to reveal that a real matador, Christian Aparicio, was cast for "authenticity, passion and movement".


We ask Samsonite to stop this distastful ad and stop making bullfighting appear romantic.

Samsonite UK
Tel 44 20 8561 4043

Samsonite USA
Tim Parker
Executive Chairman
Samsonite Corporation
575 West Street
Suite 110,
Mansfield, MA 02048

Phone: 800-765 2247 (USA)
Phone: 1 508 841 1400
Fax: 1 508 851 8715

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