Stop the mass killing of strays in the Ukraine

  • af: Arche Noah Switzerland
  • mottagare: Ministries: Environmental Protection, Culture & Tourism, Education, Justice, Ukrainian Embassy Bern Switzerland

We the undersigned are calling all government representatives to influence the situation in Kharkov and the whole country. Stop the mass killing of homeless and stray animals which continously takes place even now, after the UEFA European Football Championship 2012. We mean the problem of stray animals number regulation and coexistence of animals and humans. An adequate solving of this problem is of the city dwellers and government interest.

There are no programs on stray animals number decreasing, no educating people about neutering their pets, no municipal shelter for stray animals. All this leads to thousands of animals appearing at the streets and the absence of home pets breeding control entails increase of strays number.

Only a complex of activities will lead to stray animals number decreasing:

- Neutering of stray animals
- Vaccinating homeless animals
- Educating pet owners about necessity of neutering their pets
- Creating shelters for animals
- Discontinuance of poisoning/shooting/beating to death stray animals

According to present legislation poisoning is a direct violation of Ukrainian law About protecting animals from cruel treatment. As well the none-acceptable fact, that mobile crematory are existing and in use and doghunters are still killing stray animals.

These actions contradict European Animal rights Convention and any adequate humans moral principles. Besides it contradicts democratic societys principles and leaves a bloody stain on Ukraines reputation. Also a program that lets shoot and poison innocent creatures might clear the city from dogs today but will never solve the problem in future: it is common knowledge that mass poisoning leads to mass breeding surge. Tomorrow new strays will come to this place and they will breed more intensively. This is the experience of many European countries.

You may say that you have no money for humane program realization. However it appeared to be easy to find funds for influencing social opinion through mass media: newspapers publications, TV reportages that misrepresent real picture of what is happening and directly form negative attitude towards stray animals. To our mind these programs groundlessness is conditioned mainly by initially incorrect approach. Incorrectly formulated objective can not receive an adequate response. The reason is simple: when manipulating social opinion it is easier to legalize mass killing.

A society is judged by its treatment of the weak, that is of the disabled, children and animals. Scientists proved that animal interaction have a wholesome and even healing effect on human. And on the contrary when people unreasonably and with cynical cruelty kill animals, often in front of children, it results in irresponsibility and cruelty of the society.

We are sure that only general constructive position and combined efforts will help us make Kharkov and the whole Ukraine a clean and beautiful city/country.

Visit our website for further information:


Die Welt ist beunruhigt und schockiert über das Vorgehen gegen (Streuner-) Tiere in Ihrem Land. Wir fordern einen sofortigen Stop der anhaltenden Massentötungen an streunenden und heimatlosen Tieren, welche auch nach der UEFA European Football Championship 2012 noch immer stattfinden. Wir, die Unterzeichnenden, appellieren an die Regierung in der Ukraine, die momentane Situation im ganzen Land sowie in der Stadt Kharkov zeitgemäss und tierfreundlich anzupassen.

Es existieren keine Programme:

- zur Regulierung der Streunertiere durch Kastrationen
- um Streunertiere zu impfen oder zu behandeln
- zur Aufklaerung der Bevoelkerung zum Thema Tierschutz
- zur Aufklaerung der Bevoelkerung zum Thema Tierhaltung
- zur Einfuehrung von Tierheimen oder Aufnahmestationen

Gerade auch durch die fehlende Aufklaerung zu Themen wie Kastrationen und Tiergesundheit sowie Tierschutz im Allgemeinen ist die Streunerpopulation in der Ukraine explosionsartig angestiegen.

Wir fordern Sie auf, die grossflaechig angelegten Vergiftungs- und Erschiessungsaktionen sowie den Einsatz von mobilen Kremationsoefen sofort einzustellen. Zudem verletzen diese Vorgehensweisen die ukrainischen Tierschutzgesetze in massiver Weise. Die Bewilligung und Foerderung solcher Saeuberungskationen widerspricht den Grundwerten einer modernen, demokratischen Gesellschaft.

Ebenso wird das Vergiften, Erschlagen, Erschiessen, Einfangen und Toeten von unschuldigen Tieren die Problematik in Ihrem Land nie langfristig loesen. Es bedarf dringend eines tierschutzfreundlichen Programms um eine langfristige, annehmbare Loesung zu erreichen.

Die Aussage, dass keinerlei Gelder fuer solche wichtigen Projekte zur Verfuegung gestellt werden koennen, ist haltlos. Die Beeinflussung der ukrainischen Medien sowie der Erwerb von mobilen Krematorien kosten erhebliche Summen, welche problemlos bewilligt wurden. Der ukrainischen Bevoelkerung wird ueber das staatliche Fernsehen und den Amtsblaettern suggeriert, dass die massiven Toetungen der Tiere von Noeten sei. Ebenso wird sie nicht ueber die wirklichen Vorgehensweisen informiert. Diese unrealistischen Darstellungen werden nicht zu dem so noetigen Umdenken fuehren koennen. Die Bevoelkerung wird manipuliert, um weiter ungeschoren Toeten zu koennen.

Die Gesundheit einer Gesellschaft misst sich daran, wie sie ihre Tiere behandelt.

Wird gerade den Kindern in Ihrer Gesellschaft vorgelebt, in solch barbarischer Form mit Lebewesen umzugehen, wird Ihr Land weiterhin gepraegt sein von Grausamkeit und Gewalt. Das ist kein Fortschritt sondern ein Rueckschritt in eine barbarische Gesellschaft, gepraegt von Respektlosigkeit und Grausamkeit gegenueber unschuldiger Lebewesen.

Wir sind sicher, dass nur konstruktive Programme sowie die Zusammenarbeit mit Tierschuetzern in Ihrem Land dazu fuehren werden, die Ukraine und ihre Staedte wie Kharkov schoener und auch fuer das Ausland interessanter zu machen.

Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage für weitere Informationen:


Please send your protest as well to:

Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine
Mister Movchan
35, Urytskogo Str.
Kiev, Ucraina
03.035 YKPAIHA

Foreign Office:

Ministry of Culture and Tourism:

Ministry of Education:

Ministry Environment:

Ministers for Family and Youth:

Ministry of Justice:

Interior Ministry Luhansk region:


Ukrainian Journal:

Ukrainian Embassy Bern Switzerland:

We the undersigned, are calling all government representatives to influence the situation in Kharkov and the whole country. Stop mass killing of dogs and cats in general and in preparation for the UEFA European Football Championship 2012. We mean the problem of stray animals number regulation and coexistence of animals and humans. An adequate solving of this problem is of the city dwellers and government interest.

There are no programs on stray animals number decreasing, no educating people about neutering their pets, no municipal shelter for stray animals. All this leads to thousands of animals appearing at the streets and the absence of home pets breeding control entails increase of strays number.

Only a complex of activities will lead to stray animals number decreasing:

                • Neutering of stray animals

                • Vaccinating homeless animals

                • Educating pet owners about necessity of neutering their pets

                • Creating shelters for animals

                • Discontinuance of poisoning stray animals

According to present legislation poisoning is a direct violation of Ukrainian law About protecting animals from cruel treatment. As well the none-acceptable fact, that mobile crematory are existing and in use.

These actions contradict European Animal rights Convention and any adequate humans moral principles. Besides it contradicts democratic societys principles and leaves a bloody stain on Ukraines reputation. Also a program that lets shoot and poison innocent creatures might clear the city from dogs today but will never solve the problem in future: it is common knowledge that mass poisoning leads to mass breeding surge. Tomorrow new strays will come to this place and they will breed more intensively. This is the experience of many European countries.

You may say that you have no money for humane program realization. However it appeared to be easy to find funds for influencing social opinion through mass media: newspapers publications, TV reportages that misrepresent real picture of what is happening and directly form negative attitude towards stray animals. To our mind these programs groundlessness is conditioned mainly by initially incorrect approach. Incorrectly formulated objective can not receive an adequate response. The reason is simple: when manipulating social opinion it is easier to legalize mass killing.

A society is judged by its treatment of the weak, that is of the disabled, children and animals. Scientists proved that animal intercourse have a wholesome and even healing effect on human. And on the contrary when people unreasonably and with cynical cruelty kill animals, often in front of children, it results in irresponsibility and cruelty of the society.

We are sure that only general constructive position and combined efforts will help us make Kharkov and the whole Ukraine a clean and beautiful city/country.

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