Tell Saudi Arabia Not to Behead People For Sorcery

Amina Bint Abdulhalim Nassar, a Saudi Arabian woman, was beheaded on Monday after being found guilty for sorcery. The chief of the religious police, Abdullah al-Mohsen, claimed that Amina's natural remedies were plans to trick people into thinking she could heal their illnesses.

Others have been executed for the same crime, including a Sudanese man named Abdul Hamid bin Hussain bin Moustafa al-Fakki who was killed in September. So far this year, Saudi Arabia has carried out 76 executions.

Although sorcery is not even in the Saudi Arabian law, this charge is generally used against people whom the government finds threatening.

Saudi Arabia's government regularly executes its accused after subjecting them to unfair trials. The defendant often has no representation. Sometimes, he or she is not even given an interpreter if the trial is conducted in a different language.

Tell the Saudi Arabian government that sorcery is not a crime punishable by death, and that everyone deserves to have their rights protected.

Dear Saudi Arabian Government,

Please stop the execution of individuals who are charged with the crime of sorcery. This is a violation of the most basic of human rights, the freedom of expression, and individuals like Amina Bint Abdulhalim Nassar who was recently executed because of this charge deserve to have their rights protected.

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