Shut Down Huntingdon Life Sciences

Huntingdon Life Sciences - a notorious laboratory that conducts the most cruel and awful experiments on animals in the name of science.  They have been exposed repeatedly by undercover video of abusing the animals in their care - not only by carrying out the dreadful experiments but also by mistreating the animals punching them, kicking them - being in a position of power and control over the animals they tend to go really Auschwitz on the poor animals. (more below)

Volunteers needed:

If you can collect petitions on paper for us please visit my web page and message me with your email address, I will send you the templates for the forms to collect signatures on.

More on HLS:

HLS will test anything for anybody. They carry out experiments which involve poisoning animals with household products, pesticides, drugs, herbicides, food colourings and additives, sweeteners and genetically modified organisms. They cause so much needless suffering to animals claiming that animal testing is necessary when it is not - there are companies out there that dedicate themselves to providing alternative models to using animals in testing and the results are by far more accurate than the misleading animal tests.

Basically Huntingdon carries on doing these useless animal tests because it is ignorant of the fact that the truth and the future lie in Alternatives to animal testing and they continue to try and justify using animals as test subjects.  ANIMALS ARE NOT NEEDED TO TEST ON - WHEN THERE ARE OTHER MODELS TO USE!

Simply put, animal experimentation continues because it is highly profitable. All the following constituencies make money: scientists, physicians, hospitals, regulation agency bureaucrats, pharmaceutical companies, medical conglomerates, politicians, animal farmers and vendors, lawyers, reporters, and news media, to name a few. Other companies, whose products may or may not pose human health problems, use animal testing to secure themselves against litigation too. Think asbestos. Think tobacco. None of these constituencies can afford for the public to lose confidence in the idea that animal testing protects them.

Make a stand people - sign the petition - be the voice that the animals do not have!  End the torture in the horror chambers!!!

Volunteers needed:

If you can collect petitions on paper for us please visit my web page and message me with your email address, I will send you the templates for the forms to collect signatures on.

Thank you - from all the animals that are suffering at the moment -  for taking the time to read this, for signing this petition and spreading the word to get more signatures.

The time has come for us all to realise that testing on animals is a dangerous, misleading and unnecessary practice.  Time to understand that the future lies in using alternative models to animals; models that produce far more accurate results than testing on animals do.  One need only look in ones own back yard at a company called Dr Hadwen Trust doing tremendous work providing alternatives to animal testing

It is time to put laws in place to prevent and to ban all forms and manner of testing on animals and using them as test subjects in experiments - time to become civilised and compassionate to our fellow beings on this earth.

Time to make a stand and stop propping up a company that is promoting scientific fraud and time to stop being held hostage to this practice by big business that demand you maintain this practice - time to educate these businesses to where the future lies.

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