Prosecute Abuse at E6 Cattle Ranch

  • af: Megan Drake, Care2 Blogger
  • mottagare: Castro County Sheriff, Salvadore Rivera & Castro County District Attorney, James Horton

Being called the worst abuse at a factory farm yet discovered, Mercy For Animals (MFA) shot an undercover video of cruelty at the E6 Cattle Ranch in Hart, Texas during a two week period in March, 2011.

MFA documented the following abuses:

Workers bludgeoning calves in their skulls with pickaxes and hammers -- often involving 5 to 6 blows, sometimes more -- before rendering the animals unconscious

Beaten calves, still alive and conscious, thrown onto dead piles

Workers kicking downed calves in the head, and standing on their necks and ribs

Calves confined to squalid hutches, thick with manure and urine buildup, and barely large enough for the calves to turn around or fully extend their legs

Gruesome injuries and afflictions, including open sores, swollen joints and severed hooves

Ill, injured and dying calves denied medical care

The budding horns of calves burned out their skulls without painkillers

This case has raised ire among animal advocates and even some in the animal agriculture industry.  

Please join us in demanding a thorough investigation by the Castro County Sheriff's Department and swift prosecution to the fullest extent of the law by the Castro County District Attorney of those charged with cruelty in this case.
We the undersigned,

Are saddened and disgusted by the undercover video of rampant animal abuse seen at the E6 Cattle Ranch in Hart, Texas.

We respectfully request these crimes be thoroughly investigated, without prejudice and those accused prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Thank you for taking the time to read this request on behalf of the voiceless animals.
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