Make July 11th Peak Oil Day

In July, 2008 the production of oil around the world peaked.

For years prior to this, geologists, economists, politicians, and a growing number of concerned citizens had tried to sound the alarm bell--that world oil production would max out around the year 2010 and begin to decline, no matter what we tried to do.

Peak Oil, they insisted, would mark the end of the growth phase of industrial civilization, because economic expansion requires increasing amounts of high-quality energy.

Where are we now? A year after the peak, the global economy is in tatters. World energy consumption is down, world trade is down, the airline industry is shrinking, and most of the world's automakers are on life support. Meanwhile, evidence has mounted that we are already past safe levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Maybe it is a stretch to say that the production peak occurred at one identifiable moment, but attributing it to the day oil prices reached their high-water mark may be a useful way of fixing the event in our minds. So we suggest that we remember July 11, 2008 as Peak Oil Day.

A year has past, and while it may be too late to prepare for Peak Oil, it's not too late to take action.

Part of that is helping the world understand that we've entered a new point in human history--a time when old assumptions of perpetual growth have to be thrown out the window. So, please join us in spreading the word by making July 11th Peak Oil Day.

With enough signatures, we will deliver this petition to Energy Secretary Steven Chu.

What else can you do?

  • Get involved in community responses: Visit Transition US to learn about the Transition Initiatives, a grassroots effort spreading quickly around the world to transition local communities away from their dependence on fossil fuels.

  • Spread the word: Educate your friends and ask them to sign this petition.
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