Every person has the right to a familial bond, and all of the encompassing rights and privileges therein, regardless of class or status, unless determined otherwise through due process in a court of - law. It is the absolute right of every parent to raise their child(ren), free from unreasonable interferences of any State agency. This right shall include (but is not limited to) the parent(s) absolute right to direct the upbringing, education, values and discipline of their child(ren), unless determined otherwise through due process in a court Of - law. Families have the right to be treated with dignity, respect, value, and consideration; during any interaction(s) with any State agency. It is the absolute right of every parent to be free of derogatory remarks made by any individual(s) or any State Agencies who communicate with their child(ren). Families have the right to receive absolutely clear, thoroughly - detailed, verbal and written information, concerning the rights enumerated, immediately upon contact with any State agency. Furthermore, families reserve the right to receive written information on how to file an appeal of any State agency findings. Families may reserve the unalienable Constitutional Right to refuse entry into their homes without the fear of intimidation or reprisal of any State agency. Upon advisement, and prior to entry, the family has the right to be informed that if entry is allowed, the unalienable rights of the family, under both the United States and Texas Constitutions, shall not be waived; and that the interaction(s) may be terminated (by any member of the family) at any time without the fear of intimidation or reprisal of any State agency. Furthermore, families have the unalienable right to not experience the threat of separation, incarceration, pressured, manipulated or intimidated in their place of residence or sanctuary; especially where families may choose to exercise a Constitutional Right.
We the undersigned come into an agreement with the below letter of petition: "WE THE PEOPLE: NOT ON THE BACK'S OF OUR CHILDREN!
Every person has the right to a familial bond, and all of the encompassing rights and privileges therein, regardless of class or status, unless determined otherwise through due process in a court of - law. It is the absolute right of every parent to raise their child(ren), free from unreasonable interferences of any State agency. This right shall include (but is not limited to) the parent(s) absolute right to direct the upbringing, education, values and discipline of their child(ren), unless determined otherwise through due process in a court of - law. Families have the right to be treated with dignity, respect, value, and consideration; during any interaction(s) with any State agency. It is the absolute right of every parent to be free of derogatory remarks made by any individual(s) or any State Agencies who communicate with their child(ren). Families have the right to receive absolutely clear, thoroughly - detailed, verbal and written information, concerning the rights enumerated, immediately upon contact with any State agency. Furthermore, families reserve the right to receive written information on how to file an appeal of any State agency%u2019s findings. Families may reserve the unalienable Constitutional Right to refuse entry into their homes without the fear of intimidation or reprisal of any State agency. Upon advisement, and prior to entry, the family has the right to be informed that if entry is allowed, the unalienable rights of the family, under both the United States and each individual State's Constitutions, shall not be waived; and that the interaction(s) may be terminated (by any member of the family) at any time without the fear of intimidation or reprisal of any State agency. Furthermore, families have the unalienable right to not experience the threat of separation, incarceration, pressured, manipulated or intimidated in their place of residence or sanctuary; especially where families may choose to exercise a Constitutional Right.
Whereas many have perceived that the parents, children, and other citizens of the United State and each individual State's have suffered egregious and obscene outrages, indignities, loss of affection, emotional trauma, economic loss, violations of unalienable civil, statutorial, and constitutional rights and liberties, unnecessary separation of family, and false imprisonment through false and wrongful child abuse, sexual abuse and / or child neglect allegations brought about as a result of:
Malicious acts including, but not limited to: individuals who harass or duress a family through excessive and false child abuse and / or neglect reports; organized crime practices within the judicial, child protection, mental health and social work systems; and / or lack of appropriate protection of children who require intervention from either abuse and / or neglect within their families of origin, or abuse and / or neglect while under the care and supervision of foster families and each State's Child Protective Services. Arrogant, corrupt, under - qualified, vindictive, and / or malicious State agency personnel, individuals working as Counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, legal and medical practitioners who consistently violate unalienable civil, statutorial, and constitutional liberties under color of law; Counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, legal and medical practitioners, State agency personnel, and individuals who engage in fraudulent practices through the use(s) of diagnostic tests which are manipulated to produce false positives in evaluations and child abuse, sexual abuse, and / or child neglect investigations; and Judicial, Prosecutorial, Attorney Guardian Ad Litem, Public Defender, and Attorney misconduct in child abuse, sexual abuse, child neglect cases, and other family law proceedings.
My family and I, We the people: citizens of the United States and each individual State's citizen's, petition to remedy these egregious and obscene outrages, indignities, loss of affection, emotional trauma, economic loss, violations of unalienable civil, statutorial, and constitutional rights and liberties, unnecessary separation of family, and false imprisonment caused by false child abuse allegations, elements perceived as State - abetted extortion, and child exploitation by any and all means including but not limited to as follows:
Establish, under all applicable United States and eachindividual State's Statutes, the following criteria - based definition of the best interests of the child: For purposes of conducting child abuse, neglect, or molestation allegation investigations, in addition to child custody or adoption decision making, the best interests of the child shall mean the least detrimental alternative objectively determined to have the lowest rates of per capita occurrence with regard to the following criterions and standards:
(1) deaths: spiritual or natural
(2) administrative inefficiency;
(3) deprivation of affection;
(4) deprivation of constitutional and legal rights;
(5) disruption of cultural continuity;
(6) disruption of custody;
(7) disruption of extended family relationships;
(8) disruption of parental emotional relationship;
(9) disruption of parental relationships;
(10) disruption of religious affiliations;
(11) disruption of social affiliations;
(12) disruption of sustained intellectual development;
(13) disruption of sustained healthy physical development;
(14) disruption of sustained emotional development;
(15) disruption of visitation;
(16) economic exploitation;
(17) emotional abuse;
(18) emotional exploitation;
(19) exploitation for criminal purposes;
(20) false negative conclusions;
(21) false positive conclusions;
(22) fraud;
(23) inaccurate records;
(24) institutional abuse;
(25) institutionalized abuse;
(26) human experimentation;
(27) legal/judicial exploitation;
(28) nosocomial abuse;
(29) organized criminal activity;
(30) parental abuse of legal processes;
(31) parental alienation;
(32) physical abuse;
(33) political exploitation;
(34) science fraud;
(35) unnecessary medication; and
(36) use of the child as any form of leverage in disputes.
And that any individual, State agency and / or affiliate organization shall be subject to criminal and / or civil penalties for any deviation (intentional or unintentional) from this civil legality.
Establishing a provision, which will equally hold all parties, involved in childrens proceedings, accountable and subjected to criminal and / or civil penalties, for any action which violates a persons unalienable constitutional, civil, human, spiritual, statutorial rights, and / or violates any of the criterions set forth in each individual State's Article and Section (Definition of the Best Interests of the Child) of this initiative petition, and / or the Bill of Rights for the Preservation of Families, without regard to social, financial, professional, or official position.
Establish criminal penalties for any individual, State agency, and / or affiliate organization who directly or indirectly encroaches upon a parents, childs, or guardians, unalienable constitutional right to exercise visitation; except where detriment to the best interests of either party can be proven, beyond reasonable doubt, in a court - of law. Protect children from exploitation, abuse, experimentation, and unnecessary medication and treatment by establishing the following language of law:
Criminal and / or civil penalties for any fraudulent practices of mental health, physical health, forensics, legal, social work practitioners, individual(s), and / or any State agencies; where the care and treatment of a child is to be determined and / or is being provided. Provide for the emotional and financial recovery of any parent and / or family who can establish that an allegation of abuse, neglect, or molestation, which subsequently leads to the unnecessary separation of that family, was false. Establish, under each individual State's Statute, provisioning which ensures that this resource shall be available for a retro active period of not more than ten (10) years, beginning January 1, 2010. Establish and maintain a victim Fund, which will provide funding for therapeutic and other family services in addition to reparatory payments, for families who are proven to have beenunnecessarily separated and, as a direct result, have been irreparably damaged with respect to the temporal, mental, and moral welfare of the parent(s) and child(ren). (Victims Fund will be overseen and controlled by an agency chosen in by We The People), As well as other policies, rules, and regulations to be changed on behalf of this legality.
We the people of the United States of America do so humbly thak you for your time, patience, and understanding in this matter. For we know that you realize not on the back's of our children
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