Florida Cat Torture Case

  • af: Anonymous
  • mottagare: Attorney General Bill McCollum
The Attorney General is CONSIDERING investigating this. Lets send him a clear message that this case needs to be investigated and that the POS SOB that did this needs to be prosecuted.


EMAIL: ag.mccollum@myfloridalegal.com
WRITE: Attorney General Bill McCollum Office of Attorney General State of Florida The Capitol PL-01 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

Recently a complaint has been forwarded to the State Attorney's Office against an Ormond Beach man who, according to a charging affidavit, inflicted near-fatal injuries on an innocent cat. According to an article printed on Feb. 14, 2009 in the Daytona Beach News Journal investigation into this case is only under consideration. We the undersigned believe that this case needs to be investigated and that the offender, if found guilty, should be prosecuted accordingly. Just as many cases involving dog fighting are investigated and prosecuted so should this case receive the same attention. A person that would violently hold down an innocent pet breaking its arm while assaulting it with a plunger stick could commit this kind of violent act on any defenseless animal, man, woman or child. Thank you for taking time to consider our concerns.                                  

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