Drop The "Unlawful Termination" Charges Against Jennie LMcCormack

Jennie L. McCormack is being charged with "unlawful termination" for seeking drugs to cause a miscarriage after discovering she was pregnant.  MCCormack, a mother of three, said she was unable to afford a doctor to obtain an abortion, and took steps to give herself one instead.

Turned in to the police by the sister of a friend, who claims the "baby has no voice," McCormack, the mother of a 2 year old, 11 year old and 17 year old, now is being charged with "unlawful termination" and, if prosecuted, faces up to five years in jail and a $5000 fine. 

If McCormack couldn't afford to have another child, or get a real abortion, how can she be expected to afford a fine?  If she couldn't care for another child on top of the ones she already had, how can the police expect her to care for her three current children from jail?

McCormack doesn't need a jail sentence, she needs help recovering from a desperate situation.  Please drop all charges against this woman.
We the undersigned write on behalf of Jennie McCormack, whom we do not believe should face jail time or a fine for procuring her own miscarriage.

Jennie L. McCormack is being charged with "unlawful termination" for seeking drugs to cause a miscarriage after discovering she was pregnant.  McCormack, a mother of three, said she was unable to afford a doctor to obtain an abortion, and took steps to give herself one instead.

Turned in to the police by the sister of a friend, who claims the "baby has no voice," McCormack, the mother of a 2 year old, 11 year old and 17 year old, now is being charged with "unlawful termination" and, if prosecuted, faces up to five years in jail and a $5000 fine. 

If McCormack couldn't afford to have another child, or get a real abortion, how can she be expected to afford a fine?  If she couldn't care for another child on top of the ones she already had, how can the police expect her to care for her three current children from jail?

We ask that you show compassion for this mother and this family, and drop all charges against her. McCormack doesn't need a jail sentence, she needs help recovering from a desperate situation.

Thank you for your time.
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