Death Determination Without Autopsy

When did cancer become a Natural Cause for the death of a child or young adult?  Why do only one percent of our loved ones in Nursing Homes receive autopsy?  Why does the government only autopsy "active duty" military?

We have diseases and pandemics entering into the United States via Immigrants and airborn particles.  We NEED to know why.  We need to know why it took 50 years for our Government to determine that Viet Nam Vets have a parasite eating away at them, and how infectious was that parasite?

This is the Age of Forensics.  We need to work, we need to follow the path of Pathology and Forensics.  We need to save America FIRST.

America wasn't paying attention to the rate of Suicide among Veterans after Vietnam. As a matter of fact, the only time we did begin to pay attention to it was during Dessert Storm. Even then, the suicides of "non active" Military Personnel went unaccounted for. That is still as it stands today.
In 1999, the Harvard Injury Control Center launched the National Violent Injury Statistics System (NVISS) to support local efforts to gather data.
In 2000, the Centers for Disease Control started planning for the implementation of the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) (7).
In 2002, Congress appropriated funds for the development of this system. NVDRS was conceived as a state-based active surveillance system that collects risk factor data concerning all violence-related deaths, including homicides, suicides, unintentional deaths caused by firearms, legal intervention deaths (i.e., deaths caused by police and other persons with legal authority to use deadly force), and deaths of undetermined intent. NVDRS data are used to assist the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs and policies designed to reduce and prevent violent deaths and injuries at the national, state, and local levels.
NVDRS began operation in 2003 with seven states (Alaska, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon, South Carolina, and Virginia) participating; six states (Colorado, Georgia, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin) joined in 2004 and four more (California, Kentucky, New Mexico, and Utah) in 2005, for a total of 17 states (
Figure). Funding for state participation is provided by CDC. CDC anticipates that NVDRS will expand to include all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories.


Numerous news stories in the popular print and electronic media have documented suicides among servicemembers and veterans returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). In the United States, there are more than 30,000 suicides annually. Suicides among veterans are included in this number, but it is not known in what proportion. There is no nationwide system for surveillance of suicide specifically among veterans. Recent data show that about 20% of suicide deaths nationwide could be among veterans. It is not known what proportion of these deaths are among OIF/OEF veterans.

Veterans have a number of risk factors that increase their chance of attempting suicide. These risk factors include combat exposure, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health problems, traumatic brain injury (TBI), poor social support structures, and access to lethal means.


Several bills addressing suicide in veterans have been introduced in the 110th Congress. On November 5, 2007, the Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Act (P.L. 110-110) was signed into law, requiring the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to establish a comprehensive program for suicide prevention among veterans. More recently, the Veterans Suicide Study Act (S. 2899) was introduced. This bill would require the VA to conduct a study, and report to Congress, regarding suicides among veterans since 1997.

Still, the only reports being noted are those of the suicide deaths of "Active" Military Personnel. The numbers reported to the VA, are incorrect.
More and more we are discovering that, often, the bodies of the Military Suicides, go without autopsy. These Soldiers, who fought bravely in the very bowels of hell, are not afforded autopsy. Investigators, unaware that these men and women are worth a half a million dollars DEAD, suicide or not, for up to a year after they are "non active", investigate the scene with the mindset that these individuals killed themselves.
The STIGMA associated with being a Soldier immediately places these deceased individuals in "PTSD" status, and their deaths are treated as such.  The requirements for "Coroner" differ from County to County.   A Coroner should have at least one year of Formal Education in the Medical and Crime Scene Investigation fields.  This requirement or more should be Nationwide.  Mandatory.
The "EDIT", which will be presented, hopefully, by 2012, will require mandatory autopsy on ALL suicide deaths of Military Personnel. It will require that the deaths of "Non Active" Military be included in the National Violent Death Reporting System.

It will also require the deaths of those Military under the care of the Veteran's Hospitals be investigated, the remains autopsied, because our Soldiers are dying due to the treatment they are recieving, the Medications they are given.

EDIT, the website that I began in honor of my son, has a Motto that speaks clearly:

"Making the words "Suicide" and "Veteran" synonymous
              creates the perfect blueprint for Murder".

My intent, when I began working on the website, was simply to work towards making autopsy, and proper death scene investigation for all Military suicides, law. Since then, I have spoken with so many different people and organizations who have been helpful in providing me with information that brought to light the need for mandatory autopsy laws for everyone.


As unpopular as mandatory autopsy would seem to be, this concern for the health of the human population is worldwide. I have received communications from organizations all over the world concerning this, as the word "Pandemic" has spread far and wide.


It was just recently discovered that Nam Vets have been dying from an intestinal Parasite they contracted in Nam, and brought back to the United States, that went undetected for about 50 years. The one thing that we all heard about the most was "Exposure to Agent Orange". No one ever said the words "Parasitic Invasion".


Needless to say, Mandatory Autopsy Law will be addressing these issues. We will work with other organizations, Scientists, Forensic Pathologist, and others in the field of medicine to bring to light the deadly invasions we face today, and will face in the future.


If we, as a Human race, do not act now, we face plagues and Pandemics that will unequal those of the past.


We have the technology. It's about time we began using it.

Do some studying.  Do your research, then sign here if you want to see REAL "change".

Thank you for taking the time to read and sign our Petition.  It is an honor to us.

Please visit for updates.

Pamela Smith - A Soldiers Mom

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