We, the concerned citizens below, call on all government authorities involved in the proposed gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead mine and ore processing development at Dargues Reef, near Major%u2019s Creek in NSW to:
. Dismiss the present application for a gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead mine and ore processing development at Dargues reef, near Major%u2019s Creek in NSW.
. To only permit mining above this steep, vulnerable and valuable area on the following conditions:
. That a full economic cost benefit analysis be done on any impacts of spillage or toxicity from tailings on the orchard, market garden, tourism and other major industries immediately downstream, as well as the health of those households who draw their water downstream of the proposed development.
. That a full study be done of the rare, threatened, endangered and critically endangered species in the 6 square kilometres downstream of the proposed development as well as a 70-bore test of the effect on the water table and ecology downstream.
. That any tailings dam or ore processing site using chemicals such as Xanthates should not be on the head waters above the vulnerable Major%u2019s Creek Araluen, Deua and Moruya waterways, but located on the northern side of the ridge .5-1.5 km beyond the proposed site, an area of gentle slope or level ground amid rough grazing country, being the area where the developers are proposing to extract the larger part of their ore.
Principal Petitioner
Jackie French, 381 Major%u2019s Creek Road Araluen Valley PO Box 63 Braidwood 2622
02 48464036
Apologies for yet another email about the Dargues Reef Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc Mine.
At the moment the mining company is operating a massive PR campaign, with half page ads in the local newspapers, letters to residents and door knocking. They are claiming that the only people against the mine and the ore processing centre are a small number of troublemakers.
More than a thousand submissions were made in a few days to the NSW Department of Planning. An uncounted number more heard about the proposed mine too late to make a submission.
These petitions can show that the issue isn't just a local one. The loss of any species is a loss to us all, and this development is on the creek directly above a State Reserve with more than 20 rare, endangered or critically endangered species. The mine's impact on the ground water, its tailings and chemicals used in processing may threaten them, as as well as those of us who live here too.
Could you sign the online petition?
Could you also print out the petitions to the State and Federal parliaments, gather signatures and post them to me at the address on the petition by March 15? The originals can then be presented, one to Federal parliament and one to the NSW State parliament.
The documents are at http://www.jackiefrench.com/petition_darguesreef.html
Each page of the petition must have the wording of the petition- online or copied signatures won't count. If you have any queries email me on jfrench@dragnet.com.au.
When I walked up the mountain this morning I found another quoll scat. The creek is full of tadpoles and small fish. The species within the gorge below the proposed mine have been protected by its steepness, inaccessibility and microclimates for tens of thousands of years. It is an area treasured in the minds of millions of Australians and those overseas who have read about it, as well as those who have directly experienced its beauty. Please help to protect it now.
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