Petition President Obama for real commitments to Climate Change Negotiations at COP16 in Cancun

We  are discouraged by the failure of President Obama and his Administration to stand-up for the long term interest of United States future generations on the key issue of climate change.  From November 29th to December 7th, 2010 international negotiators, ministers and officials will be meeting in Cancun, Mexico at COP16 to determine the next steps in addressing climate change internationally.  We petition President Obama and the Administration, as US signatory to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change Convention, to take a stronger leadership role in the negotiations, make real decisions and real commitments that take into consideration human life, human kind and Mother Earth.    



We the undersigned are discouraged by the failure of President Obama and his Administration to stand-up for the long term interest of United States, future generations on the key issue of climate change.  From November 29th to December 7th, 2010 international negotiators, ministers and officials will be meeting in Cancun, Mexico at COP16 to determine the next steps in addressing climate change internationally.  We petition President Obama and the Administration, as US signatory to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change Convention, to take a stronger leadership role in the negotiations, make real decisions and real commitments that take into consideration human life, human kind and Mother Earth.

* A repeat of Copenhagen will not be tolerated by the people of the United States or the World.  We demand a process that incorporates social and civil participation where the concerns and proposals of environmental, social justice non-governmental organizations, and civil society have the space and attention to be seriously considered.

* We oppose placing a dollar value on our forests and Mother Earth including the buying and selling of carbon credits to counterbalance emissions and contamination. We oppose the use of REDDs (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), along with Cap and Trade solutions because they do not reduce, in real terms carbon emissions at home or in our communities; the primary cause for climate change. 

* We must commit to respect and comply with emission reduction targets set out in the Kyoto Protocol not the Copenhagen Accord. Doing so, on a scale appropriate to the total size of our economy and taking into consideration the points mentioned in the Peoples Agreement on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth drafted by global civil society including a delegation of United States citizens.

We the undersigned petition President Obama and the Administration to urge its Climate Change Special Envoy to take these points to the negotiations in Cancun and come to a multilateral agreement that sets a pro-active example for Europe, China and the rest of world to follow. 

Thank you



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