Will Chemo work on your cancer? FInd out before they give it.

  • af: AGM
  • mottagare: Cancer Patients, Loved ones of Cancer Patients, US Senators, President of the United States
My life partner was given 4 different kinds of chemotherapy for his cancer, and none of them worked. Instead, he died at a more rapid pace and with many awful side effects which could have been prevented if chemo testing had been used prior to administration. You need to make sure if you or a loved one are going in for a biopsy or cancer surgery that you get 1 gram of fresh tumor tissue to be sent to a lab. (See below for two such labs)
 Did you know that there is a test that doctors and hospitals can give to see if the  cancerous tumor responds to chemo?
 And more specifically to which chemo it responds to?
Yes there are several kinds of chemo!  But doctors usually do not send tumors out for testing  because of cost and because of the amazing amount of greed within cancer drug companies and the medical community.  Chemo testing is not widely known about.  This needs to change and we need everyone to stand up and say that chemo testing needs to be mandatory. Why should our loved ones suffer the side effects of chemo if it definitely will not work?   If it were mandatory to take a portion of the biopsy and have chemo testing done, much suffering would be averted. This possibility should at least be told to the patient before chemotherapy is administered.  My loved one would not have lost his hair, been nauseous, would not have vomitted, been poisioned, had his white blood cell count compromised, immune system compromised, would not have lost his appetite, would not have had the body aches , and other symptoms common to the use of chemotherapy if chemo testing had been done for him. Chemotherapy does work for some people but not for all. It does not work on all tumors because everyone is an individual.These are the people we are fighting for. Make it mandatory that the patient's biopsy gets sent for testing and that they are well informed that this  possibility exists BEFORE the administration of chemo.
 Stop these pharmaceudical companies from making money off of  our lives!!   As per Dr. Ralph Moss  one of the top cancer researchers in the world, ,the cost for chemo testing is about $3500 out of pocket. If it were a law, or a practice that was more utilized, the cost would go down. Here are the names of two labs which do chemo testing: NuOncology Labs (757) 554-0926  http://www.nulab.net, and Onotech, Inc. 1-800-576-6326.
Please sign this petition, copy the link, and get your friends to sign as well! Thank you.
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