Bring Polka to SiriusXM

This petition is to let SiriusXM know that there is a demand for a polka channel. With hundreds of stations already, SiriusXM could bolster their lineup and bring joy into the lives of many. Do not stand pat! If you are a current subscriber or you would consider subscribing if SiriusXM had a polka channel, let you voice be heard. Lets give Eddie Blazoncyzk, Brave Combo, Myron Floren, Walt Groller, Walter Ostanek, Jimmy Sturr, Chad Przybylski, Frankie Yankovic, The Kielbasa Kings, and Tenbusch Brothers a home.
We the undersigned deeply believe that SiriusXM could be enhanced by offering a station programmed with Polka music. Hundreds of local radio stations offer Polka programming on a weekly basis. Lets have SiriusXM up the ante by providing a station to fill the voids. SiriusXM is the leader in satellite radio and consistantly blazing paths for the music industry. Polka's heritage is rich in tradition and has produced some of the world's most legendary performers. Let's recognize these musicians and give the people what they want. We appreciate your time greatly.
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