Ban Body Scanners and Intrusive TSA Pat-Downs

We have reached a climax in the out of control TYRANNY of the Transportation Security Administration who hides under the guild of the Department of Homeland Security. Children are being frisked like they are "Terrorists". People with prosthetics are unlawfully according to TSA regulations being forced to remove them. TSA Agents are being caught almost daily now abusing their authority. It will only get worse if we do not act now! When will we say "Enough is Enough!?" When will the people of this country go to the politicians and tell them NO MORE!? TSA is and has been an absolute abomination in the name of "Homeland Security" and it needs to be stopped. I purpose that everyone bans Body Scanners and the intrusive Pat-Downs given by TSA. I also strongly suggest that if you own or operate a store inside or in the area of an airport this occurs: If a TSA Agent enters your business tell them the following. "Sorry Sir/Ma'am but due to heightened levels of security I must pat you down first prior to entering the store for the sake of "Homeland Security". See what happens. This petition is more of an avenue to spread awareness to all to stand up and say we have had enough. Thank you

Aaron McCollum
Universal Truth Evolution 
We have reached a climax in the out of control TYRANNY of the Transportation Security Administration who hides under the guild of the Department of Homeland Security. Children are being frisked like they are "Terrorists". People with prosthetics are unlawfully according to TSA regulations being forced to remove them. TSA Agents are being caught almost daily now abusing their authority. It will only get worse if we do not act now! When will we say "Enough is Enough!?" When will the people of this country go to the politicians and tell them NO MORE!? TSA is and has been an absolute abomination in the name of "Homeland Security" and it needs to be stopped. I purpose that everyone bans Body Scanners and the intrusive Pat-Downs given by TSA. I also strongly suggest that if you own or operate a store inside or in the area of an airport this occurs: If a TSA Agent enters your business tell them the following. "Sorry Sir/Ma'am but due to heightened levels of security I must pat you down first prior to entering the store for the sake of "Homeland Security". See what happens. This petition is more of an avenue to spread awareness to all to stand up and say we have had enough. I ask that an official inquiry be initiated by the  U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. Thank you for taking the time to read this plead to re-establish our basic Human rights.
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