Release Dorota Rabczewska!

  • af: Car je Gol!
  • mottagare: Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc (Law and Justice)
Dorota Rabczewska is Polish pop singer and a member of MENSA. She was charged of blasphemy because of her opinion about the bible and about those who wrote the bible. Since everybody has the right to express their opinion, we find that this charge is absurd and it violates freedom of speech.

This is what she said:

"it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes."

We think that she didn't offend anyone by saying this, so we ask for rejection of all charges put against her.

If found guilty the pop star faces a two-year jail sentence or a hefty fine under Polish blasphemy laws.
We the undersigned,

Dorota Rabczewska was charged of blasphemy because of her opinion about the bible and about those who wrote the bible. Since everybody has the right to express their opinion, we find that this charge is absurd and it violates freedom of speech.

Religion is no way to be favored against critics and no one is to be punished for questioning religious beliefs, sacred texts and/or members of any religion for what they did or do in the name of religion.

We ask you to drop all the charges against her for she did nothing wrong.

We thank you for your time and hope that you will take our plead into a serious consideration.
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