This case involves "authority" - specifically how a government agency acquires legal authority to dictate an individual's sworn testimony.
An agency of the federal government is seeking authority (power) from the courts to compel individuals to change their sworn testimony, both now and in the future. Such testimony is to be made under penalty of perjury, yet as government dictated testimony, it would not be their belief and would, in fact, be perjury.
Further, dictated testimony would remove the need for a plaintiff to prove their case as well as the burden of substantiating the sufficiency of a pleading.
This same agency also seeks the power and authority to force private individuals to stand silent when other entities testify, depriving the People the right to challenge such testimony and prove same to be false or erroneous.
No. 08-1399
In The
Supreme Court of the United States
Peter E. Hendrickson and Doreen M. Hendrickson, Petitioners
United States, Respondent
On Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the United
States Court Of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
The Honorable Chief Justice
United States Supreme Court
One First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543
Dear Mr. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.:
We respectfully require a few moments of time from the Honorable Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, to hear the Petitioners and reassert the Republic's foundational principle of the Rule of Law.
The Petitioners and we are hardworking People, struggling to understand and support the laws of this country. We believe in the supremacy of the United States Constitution, and hold dear our Creator-endowed, unalienable Rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.
In our humble opinion, Authority is the key concern for all parties in this petition - and especially for the 300 million People facing uncertainty on so many fronts in today's complex legal world.
The Petitioners are asking for your aid in bringing back to them some sense of "Ccertainty" with respect to that Authority - the Rule of Law - and those unalienable Rights. We agree with and support the arguments in the Petitioner's case, and will not repeat them here.
BRIEF INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF ARGUMENTThis case involves "authority" - specifically how a government agency acquires legal authority to dictate an individual's sworn testimony.
An agency of the federal government is seeking authority (power) from the courts to compel individuals to change their sworn testimony in the current case, and in all future testimony. Such testimony is to be made under penalty of perjury, yet as government dictated testimony, it would not be their belief and would, in fact, be perjury.
Further, dictated testimony would relieve the plaintiff of the burden of substantiating sufficiency of a pleading, a frightening return to the Star Chamber proceedings of the past.
This same agency also seeks the power and authority to force private individuals to stand silent when other entities testify, depriving the People the Right to challenge such testimony and prove same to be false or erroneous.
If the government is allowed to dictate an oath-bound individual's testimony, in addition to suborning perjury, the People will be left wanting for a means of seeking redress of grievance. The very courts charged with upholding justice will be blinded by compelled, "dictated" testimony. Such compelled and dictated testimony completely subverts the very foundation of our legal system.
By allowing the government to dictate sworn testimony, the courts will trample the Bill of Rights - attacking seven of the ten Amendments adopted to protect the Rights of the People, and granting a power and authority never ceded to government by "We the People."
We firmly believe compelled, dictated testimony will:
* Destroy the First Amendment's protection of the Right of free speech
* Attack the Fourth Amendment's protection of the Right to be secure in our papers
* Shatter the Fifth Amendment's protection of the Right to due proces
* Eliminate the Sixth Amendment's protection of the Right to trial by jury with witnesses
* Undermine the Seventh Amendment's protection of the Right to a Civil trial by jury
* Ignore the Ninth Amendment's protection of the Right to restrict government power
* Crush the Tenth Amendment's protection of the Right of sovereignty
Government decrees, flying in the face of the People's sovereignty and their individual unalienable Rights, are evidence of the rule of tyrants - not the Rule of Law. Such governmental decrees, if allowed, will demote the People to the status of slaves, with no Rights, no justice, and no means to challenge our public servants, their policies, or any fiat rules they seek to impose upon those they have sworn to serve.
We greatly fear what will become of our country, and future generations, if government is allowed to dictate sworn testimony, forcing any man or women to effectively stand mute in the face of any allegation or accusation, or to be unable to assert his or her own claims in a legally-meaningful manner. Such authority and power infringes the People's Rights to Rule of Law, wrongfully empowering the government to command whatever they wish testified, by anyone, at any time - in spite of the facts and regardless of the Rights of those being assaulted.
Court granted authority and power of dictated testimony would bypass the Rule of Law, and would become a crime against the very foundations of this great country - the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. If such a crime is permitted, then trials, judges, and juries could become extinct, as there would no longer be any truthful facts or evidence - only dictated testimony - compelled and approved by government.The People are asking that the court take this case and rule in favor of the Petitioners, thereby reaffirming:
%uFFFD the People's Sovereignty,
%uFFFD the priority of the Constitution,
%uFFFD the protections of the Bill of Rights,
%uFFFD the certainty of the Rule of Law, and
%uFFFD Our Republic.
Respectfully submitted by Tim Whitney, on the behalf of The People:
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