Ellen DeGeneres, self proclaimed vegan profiting off cruelty?

  • af: PAAT
  • mottagare: animal rights, animal cruelty, animal testing, profiting of animals, gay and lesbian rights, corporate accountability, animal recearch
Please sign to Ellen DeGeneres. We love Ellen dearly but she is sending mixed signals. She speaks out for animals and then takes an unnecessary paycheque to sell Oil of Olay and Cover Girl products?  
Not only is CoverGirl one of the largest U.S. brands to still on the list as one who conducts animal testing but they are owned by Procter & Gamble who are major animal testing culprits. 
P&G contends that they have discontinued animal testing with respect to about 80% of their products worldwide but 20% is massive amounts of testing considering their volume. Sure, P&G is in a partnership with HSUS to eliminate animal testing but they have by no means stopped their animal testing. Proctor and Gamble is not cruelty free by any stretch of the imagination. 
Ellen has a responsibility to animals now that she has been so vocal about her cause.  People trust her and if she says these products are okay, other animal lovers will believe her.  So, Ellen what gives? 
Dear Ellen, 
You are sending mixed signals. You are becoming well known as a person who speaks for animals rights. You appear to be going down the vegan route, owning an all natural, cruelty free pet food company, and you have been a vocal proponent for Proposition 2. And, now with your reputation of one who cares deeply for animals you become the new face for Cover Girl and Oil of Olay?  They test on animals.
CoverGirl is still on the list's as a company that still tests plus owned by Procter & Gamble who are major animal testing culprits. With the help of HSUS, P&G contends that they have discontinued animal testing with respect to about 80% of their products worldwide. However 20% if animal testing is massive amounts of testing considering their volume.

Your status as a CoverGirl spokesperson is inexplicable. Cover Girl and Oil of Olay are among the largest cosmetics brands that still tests on animals. By doing this you confuse people, not about where you stand on the issue but whether or not these products are cruelty free. People trust you and if you say these products are okay, other animal lovers will think they're okay too. 

Ellen, please explain
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