Stop leaving key-elements out of EA games for the Wii

We have all seen it by now.  EA has given many new features and capabilities to the Xbox360 and the PS3 while Wii owners have gotten cheap ps2 ports of all the games.  The newest game will be NCAA 09 All Play.  The name "All Play" states that it will be geared towards younger and more inexperienced players.  There seems to be a general misunderstanding that Wii owners are not all young and want a challenge to the game instead of having it given to them.  If you sign this you, like myself, want EA Games to stop using cheap ports for the Wii, give the Wii new features like the Xbox360 and PS3 versions, and do away with stripping modes such as dynasty mode for "mascot games" and other little mini-games or All Play features.  EA is taking away from the real gamers who have Wii's because we are too "young," "inexperienced," and essentially "stupid."  By signing this petition we can show EA that the mature Wii owners have had it with being cheated out of full and better versions of the game just so little 5 year olds can play with their mommies!

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