Allow U.S. farmers to grow non-drug, industrial hemp

  • af: Hemp History Week
  • mottagare: President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder
The industrial hemp industry today is proving to be a thriving commercial success with estimated annual retail sales of $400 million. Growing hemp in the U.S. will allow American farmers to supply American manufacturers with hemp for their products as well as create processing and manufacturing jobs in rural farming communities.

Unlike farmers in most industrialized nations across the world, American farmers are unable to participate in the burgeoning hemp economy because they are prohibited from growing hemp domestically.

Currently, all hemp-based raw materials (fiber and seed) must be imported from other countries. We are advocating that the federal government change its policy towards industrial hemp, which confuses oilseed and fiber varieties of Cannabis grown for food and fiber with drug varieties of the plant.

Sign our petition to resume industrial hemp farming today.

For more information on how to get involved to further hemp farming efforts, please visit us at There you can join our mailing list to keep informed and download our Discover the Benefits of Hemp brochure.

We signed "Allow U.S. farmers to grow non-drug, industrial hemp"
We the undersigned hereby declare that:

Lost opportunities for farmers and businesses have real consequences. With over $400 million in estimated U.S. retail sales, American companies making hemp products have no choice but to import their raw materials because American farmers continue to fear they will be prosecuted due to an outdated federal policy which confuses non-drug industrial hemp with drug varieties of Cannabis.

Sustainable hemp seed, fiber and oil are already used in nutritious food, textiles, body care and even auto-parts. Companies like Ford Motors, Dr.Bronner's Magic Soaps, Patagonia, Nature's Path Foods, Nutiva and Manitoba Harvest are using imported hemp in their products today.

We urge you to allow U.S. farmers to follow in the footsteps of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, all who were hemp farmers, to once again grow this sustainable and profitable non-drug crop.
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