Will You Be Wearing a Pink Pussy Hat This Weekend?

You can’t overstate the power of symbolism in a protest. That’s why we’re obsessed with the Pussyhat Project.
This group of badass women decided to turn one of the most misogynistic things the incoming prez said into one of the most powerful symbols we’re likely to catch at this Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington. The March itself will be a ginormous show of solidarity and commitment to a truly intersectional array of Unity Principles that we at Care2 also espouse.
Large visual aids like this are extremely effective at gaining attention, banding together and amplifying a group’s message. The crafty folks over at Pussyhat Project have made it their mission to flood D.C. with pink pussycat hats on Saturday. But they haven’t stopped at Washington. Hats will be spotted all over the globe on Saturday.
And it’s not too late for you to join! Here are patterns to knit, crochet or sew your own pussyhat. Whether or not you can attend a march, you can show solidarity with the March by making your own and posting a pic of you wearing it on Saturday to your social media account. Better yet, make as many as you can this week and get all your friends and family to wear them too!