Miranda Becker / January 31, 2017

Lace Up Your Shoes and Start Organizing

Oh my gosh. You guys. Last week was an awful week. And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way – disheartened, downtrodden, scared.

But that’s exactly by we need to remember Obama’s last words as President of the United States and heed them. In his farewell address, Obama said to each and everyone of us: “If something needs fixing, then lace up your shoes and do some organizing.”

And of course, he’s exactly right. Because it’s not all over. It comes down to us, and it’s not time to give up. But if we do give up, then it will be all over. We can’t afford to just walk away because we need each other. We need you. There’s genuinely never been a more urgent and important time for all of us to get involved.

What getting involved looks like? It looks like waking up from our slumbers. It’s remembering that in order to make a difference, we have to first stick our head out the door – or, out of our hidey-holes. It looks like making sure we’re not all cicadas. Cuz you know what? If we don’t do anything, that’s what we all become.

And if you’re not convinced yet, I’ve got the perfect fun little flick for you to watch: