Welcome to Activist University

Our free program is unlike any other.  With live video training sessions and a vast library of expert advice, Activist University will help you transform the world and inspire action for the causes you care about. Together, we can do anything!

Featuring Special Guest Ani DiFranco
Creative Activism: Using Creativity To Create Change

Join special guest Activist & Musician Ani DiFranco and grassroots activists Mariza Ruelas and Isabella Cruz as they discuss ways to creatively create change, moderated by Miranda Becker from Care2.

Your Host:
Miranda Becker

If you’re ready to stand up for an issue you believe in, start a petition to rally supporters to your cause!


People power is at the heart of petition success. Grow your signature count with these tried-and-true tips.


Make sure people in authority know about your cause, and pay attention to your demands, by delivering your petition.

Petition Author Spotlight
Just being silent means you’re tacitly letting injustice happen. So by starting a Care2 petition and by getting other people involved, you’re saying: ‘Look, I’ve had enough, and I’m using my voice to try and create change in the world.’ And that’s sometimes the strongest thing you could ever do.
— Stewart Schuffman, aka Broke-Ass Stuart