We the residents and citizens of Danville, San Ramon and Alamo, California hereby object to the use of poisonous kill boxes within our community. The bait boxes are located in our local parks and opens spaces and are extremely harmful. They are placed directly on the ground and are easily accessible to children, pets and wildlife. The label clearly states to "keep out of reach of children, pets and wildlife." These bait stations are also hazardous to our watersheds lakes, streams, creeks and ponds.
The poison causes a painful and inhumane death to all animals that ingest the poison either by first or second hand poisoning and kills our beautiful hawks, owls, kit foxes, bobcats, raccoons, coyotes, birds as well as other wildlife. It also kills family pets because the owners are unaware of the traps. Tennis balls are abandoned next to the kill boxes and several of the traps are broken and have not been repaired or replaced; this leaves the poison unprotected and a threat to family pets and children.
According to Lindsay Wildlife Hospital located in Walnut Creek, they see the results of poisoned animals and they attempt to provide treatment to the animals with a dismal surival rate. Local veterinarians confirmed they have treated poisoned family pets.
Natural predators are dying inhumane deaths because they prey on small animals for survival. Their food chain is poisoned and reduced in size which causes an imbalance within the fragile ecosystem and kills the natural order of their food chain.
The chemicals contained in the bait boxes are not approved by the FDA and has been banned by the state of California.
We the citizens of Danville, San Ramon and Alamo California DEMAND CHANGE and request that the open spaces and parks STOP THE USE OF POISON IMMEDIATELY. It is reckless, unethical and cruel.