Demand Pro Bear Trapping Commissioners Be Removed From NH Fish & Game Commission!

In New Hampshire, trapping bears is considered so cruel it is against the law. The NH Trappers Association (NHTA) is promoting a contest for its members to win a prize of trapping a black bear in neighboring Maine. Two NH Fish & Game Commission members are also on the Board of Directors for the NH Trappers Association. THIS IS CLEARLY A CONFLICT!

New Hampshire has decided that bear trapping is inhumane, yet two rulemaking members of the F&G Commission (Paul DeBow and John Caveney) promote bear trapping through their ties to the NHTA so therefore are in conflict with the laws of the state of New Hampshire regarding bear regulations.

Both of these commissioners are biased because of their leadership roles with the NHTA and also want to bring back bobcat trapping, which has been banned in this state since the 1980's. They vote and make rules for their trapping organization's interests and are not objective. The NHTA also is politically motivated to protect trapping and trappers. THAT IS NOT supposed to be what Fish & Game Commissioners are there for!

We are asking Governor Chris Sununu to remove his biased appointments of Paul DeBow and John Caveney and instead appoint commissioners that will respect NH laws and regulations and not promote cruel practices like bear trapping.

(Bear Photo Courtesy by Glenn Wahl)

Update #43 years ago
Unfortunately Governor Sununu decided to just say "no comment" and keep his appointed pro-bear trapping Fish & Game Commissioners. The contest was held and a bear was trapped and killed in Maine. We will make sure that for the next election voters know that Governor Sununu is supportive of bear trapping. Thank you for your support!
Update #33 years ago
A NH trapper, also a Director of the NH Trappers Association, has just tried to silence me by registering the trademark of the group name I use.
You can read about it here,
This is even more reason why the two commissioners from the same trapping organization should resign. Tell Governor Sununu at he needs to denounce this bear raffle and remove these two commissioners! Thank You!
Update #23 years ago
A reporter is now going to do a story but WE NEED GOVERNOR SUNUNU to respond! Please send an email to and politely request that he acknowledge this petition and he make a statement on removing the two pro bear trapping NH Fish & Game Commissioners. Explain how if they promote bear trapping they are in conflict with the rules and ethics of New Hampshire wildlife laws. Use the subject heading "Bear Trapping Petition" and maybe include a link to the petition. Thank You!
Update #13 years ago
A reporter is interested in a story but says we need to get to over 1,000 signatures first! Please help us reach that goal and continue to share this petition so we can get attention to the issue of inhumane bear trapping and snare traps.
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