Let's stand together as a whole and fight for these beautiful aquatic creatures that are in our oceans. I am sure many individuals have heard about plastic pollution and trash entering our oceans due to the lack of care from many individuals and large companies. Our oceans are being used as a garbage can, and most of our wildlife in our oceans are vanishing as many are being killed and poisoned by plastic pollution and trash chemicals that should not be in our oceans.
I am concerned that the aquatic ocean life and reefs are being pushed away into extinction due to the lack of individuals dumping trash anywhere they go as many do not care to pick up any garbage of their own. The trash that is entering our oceans is mainly plastic products such as plastic straws, plastic bags, and other plastic products being produced by large manufacturers. I am concerned for the sea turtles in our oceans around the world as their use to be millions across our clean beaches and oceans. Scientists announced that there are only about 1 million sea turtles of all species of sea turtles left in our oceans as we have pushed some species into extinction already and many more are going down the same path. I am mainly concerned with the green sea turtles as they are going extinct. These turtles are very popular and are still being hunted, caught into large fishing nets, and consuming plastic products which are the main reason that many of these green sea turtles are going extinct. The green sea turtles are very important to the other marine animals in our oceans, and when green sea turtles go extinct, much of our aquatic life will start falling apart as other marine animals depend on them as they help the environment out and helping the oceans aquatic life flourish.
A couple of solutions I have come up with and fighting for is to educate the youth and provide information to inform others who are acknowledgeable of what is happening to our oceans and marine wildlife. Another solution is to slow down on using plastic bags and plastic straws as we can reuse them and slow down the rate of plastic products being dumped into our oceans and landfills. By reusing all plastic products, we can cut down plastic pollution entering our oceans by a substantial percentage and recycling plastic products that can be reused again in the future. Doing this will help our oceans recover and doing so will also slow down the production of plastic straws and plastic bags. Many states plastic straws are the leading plastic that ends up into our oceans and killing our marine wildlife such as the green sea turtles which are very notorious as they appear on many movies from Disney and documentaries on wildlife. Help these beautiful creatures and help our marine wildlife from vanishing as we humans are the leading cause of marine wildlife being extinct.
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