Update: Southwood neighborhood added to this list located in Myrtle Beach SC!! Unfortunately, more areas in Surfside Beach SC and Myrtle Beach are still not using humane methods to get rid of geese they call a nuisance in their neighborhood. HOA's are supposed to legally try multiple humane methods to get rid of geese, hire local companies that can deter geese , but instead they are going right to signing contracts with the USDA or DNR to come and destroy (KILL) the geese along with their babies: this is just cruel !
A specific residential development called Deerfield Plantation in Myrtle Beach/Surfside area has hired them. (phase1 confirmed) Richard Johnson of the HOA please do not kill these animals !
Please urge Deerfield HOA and residents to use humane tactics instead of murdering these beautiful birds that feel pain. If you live in Deerfield please help contact to protest this ASAP before they are gathered and killed. Protect these birds and their babies !! If you're looking to move to Deerfield Plantation and love animals; you may want to know about this.
Canada geese are beautiful, intelligent birds who mate for life, fiercely protect their eggs and young, and display loyalty for other members of their flock. Wildlife Services uses methods to kill geese that are broadly understood to be grossly inhumane. During the hottest months of the year flightless geese and goslings are corralled, packed into turkey crates and transported to slaughterhouses or gas chambers.
So The birds are painfully grabbed away, usually gassed with carbon dioxide or have their necks broken. This is not humane.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has previously said there are a number of nonlethal options, which are outlined in its report, "Humane Goose-Control Solutions."While geese are protected there is a legal loophole where landowners can apply for the USDA to come round up and slaughter ducks, geese, swans and their babies. DNR goes to neighborhoods that have a Canadian geese problem and offer permits to authorize euthanization of the geese. There have been some complaints about the geese roundups the South Department of Natural Resources performs, which have led to geese protests nationwide including protests in Myrtle Beach SC
In fact its a very profitable business they have and they kill millions of animals a year and get paid quite well for it. (USDA/DNR) They also still using the archaic and inhumane gas chamber to murder animals.
The alternative options, include scare tactics such as pyrotechnics, which work best when combined with habitat modification.
The latter can include installing short fencing or planting tall vegetation around places people want to keep off-limits, or spraying grass with Rejex-It, a grape-flavored product that makes it unpalatable.
Local businesses such as Goosebuster MB can offer these humane methods. "The geese are a very smart bird. What they'll do is send a sensory back and will fly over the area where we chased them out several times, and that bird will report back to the flock that this Goosinator is still on site," Baldwin said.
Geese prefer to land on water and to graze on grassy areas within sight of a body of water. Additionally, geese may concentrate nesting and brood rearing activities near water. Water management to deter geese includes removing and/or modifying (covering) retention basins, installing grid wires over ponds, installing perimeter fencing around ponds and lakes, and other activities that remove the water as an attractant. These activities prohibit goose access to water, and/or remove water from the birds' view.
When geese have goslings and will not fly away, and when they are molting and cannot fly, fencing and other barriers can limit their access to certain areas. Fences should be sturdy, firmly affixed to the ground, and completely encircle the protected area. They can be constructed of chicken wire, snow fencing, dense hedges or other vegetation, or other commercially-available materials. Fences should be 3-5 feet tall, and installed during February-March to deter geese from the area prior to nesting and molting.
Fly away geese is another company
Mylar tape is a thin reflective tape that is usually silver on one side and red on the other. It is available in various widths, but is most
commonly applied in suburban goose management
situations as a perimeter fence using the 1⁄2" widthstapled to stakes around the boundary of the protected area. Tape should be twisted and somewhat slack to permit movement. Tape is stapled to wooden stakes, which are pushed into the ground so the tape is approximately 2' above the surface of the ground. Wider widths (6") are more typically used on farms, golf courses, and other large acreage areas. With both widths, reinforce the ends and attachment points with strapping tape to reduce shredding and tearing.
Two chemical formulations are registered with the U.S. EPA as Canada goose taste repellents: methyl anthranilate (MA) and anthraquinone. Anthraquinone is the active ingredient in the product, Flight Control . Flight Control PLUS is a spray applied to the grass that is offensive to geese, thus denying them their food source (www.flightcontrol.com). MA is a non-toxic taste aversion agent that renders food (grass) unpalatable to geese. MA is a grape flavor food additive approved by the FDA for human consumption, is generally recognized as safe, and poses no harm to people or pets. MA is the active ingredient present in ReJeX-iT , which is available in three formulations: AG-36, an aqueous slurry that is mixed with water and applied to turf; AP- 50, a free-flowing wettable powder used on temporary pools of water on landfills and airports; and TP-40, a liquid formulation used in non-fish bearing bodies of water at landfills, tailings ponds, and commercial/industrial impoundments. The cost of the material (approximately $150-250/acre of grass) may be cost-prohibitive for widespread use on private lawns, but applications on smaller, high-priority areas (around picnic tables, parking lots, driveways, and swing-sets) may provide some relief. Prior to using MA products, confer with the manufacturer to determine appropriate mowing, watering, and application scheduling (www.rejexit.com ).
These are just to name a few .... urge the HOA to PUT in some effort into humane deterrents instead of being so cruel and heartless !! Urge the SCDNR or USDA to stop this cruelty, and urge SC officials to protect our wildlife
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