Reverse Excessive Restrictions on Orleans Dogs

Months ago, the Orleans Board of Selectmen were asked to bring stakeholders together to work out an accommodation of competing interests relating to the presence of dogs in public areas. The Board ignored this request.

On May 15, access to the beach from the Wildflower parking lot West of Skaket was denied from April 1 to Labor Day. The new restriction was passed under a meeting notice obscurely referring to the "70 Willie Atwood Road" property. Similar notice irregularities accompanied the closing of Skaket itself to dogs starting on April 1, back in 2015.

The status of dogs at Kent's Point is under active review. Everyone should absolutely expect official attempts to change the way that area is used.

We ask the Board to take two actions:

(1) Immediately reopen the Wildflower lot, so we can access the State lands to the West where we have a right under the Mass. Constitution to be;
(2) Create an overall dog-policy task force, with the meaningful participation of dog owners. Its agenda would be to research and propose an intelligent, comprehensive solution which respects the rights of all involved.

Let's solve these problems together, like mature adults.

Update #25 years ago
News: A link to the 6/19 BOS meeting will be posted at:

See public comments at beginning, and then item 5, following the appointments to offices.

Wildflower restrictions now apply 9AM to 5PM only. Not clear why. There was a semi-commitment to a dog-rule task force. Please let the Board know that you want *rational* rulemaking, as the task force model envisions: 508-240-3700 x2415 or Thanks!
Update #15 years ago
Hello, petition signers,

First, THANK YOU! The great success of the petition so far sends a strong message, and the specific comments enhance that.

Secondly, if you haven't communicated with the Selectmen, please do so ASAP. A brief call or email simply stating your opposition to excessive dog restrictions (not just the Wildflower closing) will really help. 508-240-3700, x2415 or

Finally, please attend the Wed 6:30 Selectmen's meeting at Town Hall to show support.
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