Please Help Stop Advertisements On Monetized Youtube Channels Containing Animal Abuse

  • by: Online Macaque Chat
  • recipient: YouTube, Petco, Amazon, Hyundai, Ford, Nike, Apple, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Loreal

                                                 February 28, 2019

Presidents, CEOs and Trusted Board Members,

       We cannot express enough the outrage and disappointment to have seen advertisements for your products and services being displayed on thousands of online videos, after inumerable complaints to the online video service known as YouTube, complaints of animal abuse in these videos contain your advertisements.

These channels have had complaints of sexual abuse and fondling of macaques as well as stealing infants from their mothers for medical mistreatment by unlicensed persons to treat primates, baiting babies away from their mothers for film footage, kicking, teasing, caging, force feeding, and psychologically traumatizing some of these infant macaques to the point of psychosis, up to and including death of one infant.

We would hope this is an oversight on your part and immediately pull your advertisements from all monetized macaque channels on YouTube, these are by no means actions that we assume your companies that have worked many years to establish reputations of ethical and moral business practices, wish to be associated with.

In countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam and China numbers of these animals are already starting to diminish, due to large scale sales of macaques to research facilities, pet trade, and poaching, we assume this should be a very easy decision to make based just on morality of the issue alone.

It would be a relief to know that the daily products we are purchasing were not contributing finacially to the plight of these exploited innocent animals, suffering despicable and frankly horrifying behavior being seen in these videos, it is our sincere hope that we can come to a simple resolution to this problem and just have your companies pull advertisements from all monetized You tube videos that contain macaques.

Their lives are depending on your judgement and moral responsibility to your uninformed consumers, to not continue to contribute  financially to these atrocities and collect revenue made from the sales you generate on these advertisements, perpetuation of this problem is growing daily.

Thank you for your concern and cooperation in this matter.

Online Macaque Chat

Update #35 years ago
Bless all of you who signed this petition, We have finally met a goal of 600. We will be immediately sending copies to YouTube with a letter explaining our position on this, and how it is not acceptable for them to continue allowing these kinds of videos depicting animal exploitation and abuse. Also copies will be going to each of the Advertisers listed. Again thank you for supporting our mission to put an end to this vile behavior. Thank you and blessings, Online Macaque Chat
Update #25 years ago
Thank you to all who have signed and shared. We have made it a little past half way. If everyone who signed could have just one friend or family member sign we could be done. Their are still babies being exploited daily. Axel, a little pigtail orphan that was just dumped at Angkor is suffering daily. Youtubers are exploiting him sexualy to the most vile and extreme extent. Together we can help these babies just by getting one friend to sign. Thank you again and blessings. Online Macaque Chat
Update #16 years ago
Dearest Supporters,
Thank you all for signing & sharing about this distubing situation. We have raised the signature amount, as the original goal was met so quickly. We anticipate swift action on part of the advertisers. Please continue to share to raise awareness of this unacceptable practice. Together we can make Youtube an enjoyable way to explore & learn about primates, without having to worry about contributing monitarily to animal abuse. Bless all of you. Sincerely, Online Macaque Chat
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