Help Prevent Choking to Death in Restaurants!
I was eating with my husband at a well known restaurant and I swallowed a piece of meat and it got lodged in my throat I couldn't get the piece of meat up on my own and I couldn't breathe I was faint and everything was becoming blur. My husband and I was fighting and defending for our selves while every employee and customer did nothing because of their lack of knowledge in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver . I was seeing my life slowly coming to an end as I listened to the panic in my husbands voice as he was crying out for help that day and no one knew what to do. My concern is People are dying everyday by chocking in restaurants and few people have no knowledge of CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver . I'd like to see a law passed that every restaurant have an active person on duty at all times equipped with some type of CPR and Heimlich Maneuver TRAINING.
"Let's start now and Help Prevent more Deaths caused by Choking in the Places we Enjoy eating at!"
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