Saiga ranger's death sparks Kazakh call for justice - Punish the KILLERS (Please SIGN)
In the remote uninhabited steppe, this could mean only one thing - poachers. Yerlan Nurgaliev and Pyotr Nitsyk quickly gave chase, firing warning shots to stop the cars speeding away.
When the cars stopped, armed men got out. The rangers were badly beaten up, trying to arrest the criminals.
Mr Nurgaliev died in hospital two days later.
As per usual these lovely creatures are being massacred to provide the blood thirsty CHINESE so called medicine trade with more ingredients that continue their hoax ingredients, why Chinese people are so gullible to pay vast sums of money for ground up animal parts is really astounding, it shows a few things very wrong with their society.
Help to stop this killing, ensure the Kzakh Government and officials stop taking bribes and protect these lovely creatures and the people that want to secure their future for their children and grand children.
Enough it Enough, not everything in this world should be bought sold and traded, some things are too precious and too priceless, this ancient creature has survived just about everything except the greed and exploitation of humans.
Please sign this petition to show some people actually do care....
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